Ludwig Ludwig

TP6 - Functional Language
Beginner level


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of functional language to refuse invitations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice of using functional language involving refusal of invitations


Lead-in (4-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in discussing an invitations that they wished to decline

- T share screen w Google Jamboard showing image of parties and text that says "You're Invited!" - T asks students what they see in images. [parties] What kind? [boring/fun parties] - T sets tasks "Tell your classmate about a time when you got an party invitation but you did not want to go? What did you do or say?" - T sends to breakout groups (2 MIN) - Monitor - OCFB - ask 1 or two students and type out what they said on (2 MIN)

Text Work (Gist) (7-7 minutes) • To allow students to identify/notice the target language in the context of a conversation

-T shares TP6 Text Work GoogleForm with text and Gisk Task Q and tells students that "you will now read a conversation". Read it quickly for the main idea only. Answer 1 question at the end and DO NOT click "Next". - T copies link into chat and confirms that they can see it - ICQ: Are you going to read quickly for a general idea or slowly to understand the details? [quickly] - Individual - 1 MIN - T says "Okay, now compare answers with your classmate in the PRIVATE CHAT" - 1 MIN to compare answers. T tells students would their pair is. - OCFB - elicit answer

Language Clarification (12-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, appropriacy, form and pronunciation of the target language

- Teach shares screen with TP6 Meaning_Approp GoogeForm - Says "Ok, now, read the 4 sentences and answer the question below" - Tell students "DO NOT click Next" - Individual exercise you have 1 MIN - Copy link to chatbox and verify that they can pull it up - 1 MIN. "Begin" - OCFB, elicit answer - T the shares screen and clicks Next on the same GoogleForm to bring up the next task - "Work with your classmates in Breakout groups to place the sentences in the correct order from Direct ----> Polite" on the cline - Shows example - ICQ is this an Individual or Pair exercise [Pair] - 2 MIN Max - Open Breakout Rooms - T monitors Breakout rooms - OCFB, elicit answers - T shares screen and shows TP6 GoogleSlide and Functional Language Form (pointing out Fixed expression + reason), elicit different reasons for rejecting an invitation and showing how these are many while the fixed expression does not change. Type them out - T covers Pronunciation. Begins by modeling polite form and asking students to listen carefully. Ss listen and T asks them about intonation and rhythm in polite language and length vs flat done and short expression when being direct - Model polite and direct functional language and then do choral drilling/individual drilling

Controlled Practice (8-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice TL in a controlled manner with a focus on accuracy

- T shares screen with TP6 Controlled Practice GoogleForm - "Fill in the blank with the most appropriate phrase" - Individual exercise - 3 MIN - Copy link in chat and verify that they can pull it up - ICQ "Are you working on this in groups or individually?" [Individually] - After 3 Min T tell students who their partner is. Tells the "Compare answers with your partner by sending them a private chat" - OCFB

Freer Practice (8-8 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language with emphasis on speaking fluency

- T shares screen with TP6 FP Google Slide - Tells students "Now you are going to do a speaking activity in Breakout groups" - "Pick an activity and invite your classmate". Your partner will decline the invitation trying to use the phrases we learned today and a real reason." - Model this conversation with a student. - Open Breakout groups - 6 MIN - T Monitors and notes correct and incorrect language for DEC - OCFB and DEC -

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