Sylwia Ejmont Sylwia Ejmont

TP 5b 16/07/2014
A1 level


In this lesson, students will be introduced to adverbs of frequency and practice using them.


Abc Rewrite HO
Abc Adverb worksheet HO
Abc Adverb flashcards
Abc Realia

Main Aims

  • To introduce the meaning, form, and pronunciation of frequency adverbs, and to give controlled practice in the context of common routines

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice for accurate use of TL


Lead-in (1-3 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic and set the context for words of frequency

T presents some realia (magazine, coffee mug, frisbee, pack of cigarettes) and prompts the students to ask about activities related to those objects.

Target language set up (2-3 minutes) • To create a need for the new structure by connecting routine activities with terms of frequency

T draws a monthly calendar grid on the board (with morning/evening). Students ask questions about when/ how often the given activities take place, while the T is writing them in appropriate daily slots. Activity phrases: drink coffee play frisbee smoke a cigarette take a walk read the news work CCQ: Do I drink coffee on Monday/Wed/Sat? Do I work on Sunday? Do I play frisbee in the morning? Do I take a walk every day? Do I smoke in the evening/morning? When do I read the news?

Focus on target language (4-5 minutes) • To give students an opportunity to produce target language and to present basic adverbs of frequency at sentence level.

T asks the students to count how many times these activities are done in a month. How many days in a month do I drink coffee? (30) How many days in a month do I play frisbee? (12) How many days in a month do I smoke cigarettes? (0) T writes model sentences on the board with blanks for frequency adverbs. T elicits frequency adverbs by asking the students to fill in the blanks. I drink coffee __________. I ____________ drink coffee in the morning. I _________ smoke cigarettes. What about playing frisbee, when do I play frisbee? (Saturdays, Sundays, Wednesdays) --> I ____________ play frisbee on Wednesdays and at the weekend. How many times in a month do I play frisbee? (12) I ____________ play frisbee. What about Thursday evenings? I am __________ free on Thursday evenings. How often do I work on Saturdays? (1 time in 2 months) I __________ _________ work on Saturdays. (hardly ever) Do you know any other words like that?

Comprehension check (1-1 minutes) • To check students' understanding of target language by placing frequency adverbs on a timeline

T draws a timelines with percentages on the board, places flashcards in correct order as guided by the students. always 100% never 0% often 70% sometimes 20% hardly ever 2%

Controlled written grammar practice (4-5 minutes) • To give students practice with the form and placement of adverbs in a sentence.

T demonstrates a sample sentence on the board, chest the HO and ask the students to rewrite the sentence with correct adverbs in the correct place within each sentence. Mike plays tennis. (never) --> Mike never plays tennis. Students check answers with a partner.

Semi-controlled writing practice (3-4 minutes) • To give students practice of target language and check their understanding by personalizing the examples

T asks the students to change the sentences in the previous exercise to reflect what is true to them. Mike always works on Saturday morning. --> I hardly ever work on Saturday morning.

Pronunciation practice (1-2 minutes) • To give students practice saying the new TL

T models the pronunciation of frequency adverbs and asks the students to repeat in choral drills. T models the intonation of a typical sentence using TL and asks the whole class, then individual students to repeat. They always go to bed late at night. They sometimes drink a cup of coffee. They don't often eat breakfast.

Controlled speaking practice 2 (9-10 minutes) • To give students controlled practice of target language by personalizing frequency activities

T chests both worksheets and demonstrates the activity using another student. T divides the class into pairs and distributes the Adverb worksheet HO to each pair. Students first predict what their partners are likely to do, then check the answers by talking to their partners.

Feedback and wrap-up (3-4 minutes) • To provide feedback on the speaking activity and review basic TL forms

T asks a couple of pairs to report on their activities.

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