Susana Susana

Copy of Ageism
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will read a text about ageism and being ageist. They will be introduced to the topic by talking about activities that have age limit or not, and predict what the lesson will be about. Then, there will be pre-teaching for some words. Students after that will deal with some reading sub skills such as reading for gist, scanning, guessing meanings from the context. Finally they will do a role play and some listening.


Abc Match words with meaning handout, Role play handout
Abc lead-in handout, Gist handout, True/False handout, comprehension questions handout
Abc Match words with meaning handout, Role play handout
Abc lead-in handout, Gist handout, True/False handout, comprehension questions handout

Main Aims

  • To practice reading for gist, scan and detailed using a text about ageism in the context of personal worries

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice oral fluency in a role play in the context of personal worries and giving advice
  • To practice listening for specific information using a text about personal worries in the context of relationships


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

t. gives Ss a handout and tells them they are going to work in pairs to discuss their opinions about if there is an upper or lower age limit for activities in the HO Ss work in pairs and discuss the question T. asks Ss if they can predict what the lesson is about Ss give their expectations, T. doesn't discuss them with the Ss

Pre-teaching vocabulary (7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and help them to complete the sub skills tasks by clarifying a few essential vocabulary items

T. clarifies some words by giving definitions, examples, synonyms, or antonyms to help Ss elicit the words (ageism and ageist, traumatic, rock, brave, financial) Ss elicit words T. models each word, and Ss repeat chorally and individually

Gist Reading (4 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist reading task and get an overview of the text,

T. gives Ss a HO with three titles in it, and tells them that they have to read the text quickly to find out which title is more suitable to the text. Ss read alone, then work in pairs to share their answer T. monitors and gives feedbak

Scanning Reading (5 minutes) • To practice scanning for specific information reading tasks

T. tells students that they will read the text and decide which statements are true for the writer Ss read individually, then in pairs check their answers T. provides Ss with the answers (written on the board) T. provides Ss with any necessary feedback

Vocabulary (5 minutes) • To guess the meaning of words through context

T. tells students to highlight words in the text , when Ss highlight them T. gives Ss a HO (sentences about the highlighted words), Ss have to match the words with the sentences. Ss work individually to match words with sentences. Ss work in pairs to check answers T. provides Ss with Answer Key T. provides feedback and check if the meanings are clear

Reading for details (8 minutes) • To practice reading for detailed comprehension and understanding the text in depth

T. tells Ss that they will read the text silently and answer questions from a HO (read and answer questions) T. asks ICQs to check that Ss understand what they have to do Ss read the text individually and answer the questions. Ss work in groups of three to check T. provides Ss with feedback

Post-Reading (8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T. tells Ss that they will have play-role activity, they have to work in pairs (Students A plays the role of the writer, student B plays the role of the writer's friend), A will tell about her problem and her worries if her boyfriend finds out about her real age, B will try to advise her what to do). Ss work alone for a minute to prepare their ideas. Ss work in pairs and play the roles T. monitors and takes notes T. does error correction if it needsd

Listening for specific information (3 minutes) • To practice listening for specific information task

T. tells Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation between the writer and her boyfriend and and answer the question (What did the writer's boyfriend say when she told him about her age? Ss listen and answer Ss listen again to answer the question: (How old is the writer's boyfriend?) T. provides any necessary feedback

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