Molly Mellott Molly Mellott

Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be learning about agreeing and disagreeing in the context of roommate conflicts.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for agreeing and disagreeing in the context of roommate conflicts

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of alternative ways to agree and disagree in the context of roommate conflicts


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will present students with a photograph of two girls sitting on a couch who appear upset and are facing away from each other on a Google Jamboard slide. My question on the slide is "What do you think is happening in this photo?" I will nominate 2-3 students to share their observations.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I will present students with a short dialogue between two roommates named Mary and Jill. They are arguing about household chores. Students will have 2-3 minutes to read the text individually. I will then send students a Google Form with three questions about the text they will answer with their peers in Zoom BreakOut Rooms. The text will be on the Google Form for students to reference. They will have 3-4 minutes in BreakOut Rooms. After that, I will nominate students to share their results and conduct any error correction.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I will present students with a slide on Google Jamboard that has Agree/Disagree and Agreement/Disagreement. I will point out that this is the Target Language and then ask students a few questions: What do you think they mean? Are they opinions or facts? Opinions. Is to agree and to disagree adjectives or verbs? Verbs. Is an agreement and disagreement the same as to agree and disagree? No. Why? They're nouns. What makes an agreement and disagreement a noun? It's a countable item. For example: We made an agreement to wash the dishes every other day.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

On the next slide of the Google Jamboard is a matching activity with alternate ways to agree and disagree. I will nominate students to categorize these phrases into the agreement, partial agreement, or disagreement columns. Below the columns is a small cline with strongly agree at one end and strongly disagree at the other end. I will then ask students where they think these phrases fall on that cline. On the next slide is another cline but it deals with Appropriacy. The same phrases from the previous slide are here and I will be helping students categorize them as informal, neutral, or formal. The next slide is about form and it will be a quick matching activity with only six options. I will help students with categorizing the phrases as either 'fixed' or the subject + verb + complement format. The final slide is pronunciation with only four expressions. I will first ask students where the stress is and then if the pitch is going up or down or where the pitch goes up and where the pitch goes down. I will model and drill students a few times with each expression.

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will present students with a Google Forms activity to do individually. Students will be looking at a sentence that has either agree or disagree in it and they will have to choose one out of two options that can replace the sentence. I will do an example with students first. Students can check their answers in Zoom Chat Boxes and then I will nominate students to share their results.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will present students with a role play activity where they will be playing roommates and agreeing and disagreeing in a conflict about one roommate who likes to play loud music. They will not be given the exact expressions they will use to agree/disagree. The script will tell students to choose an agreement, partial agreement, or disagreement phrase from the table at the top of the page. I will do a demo with the students. I will nominate a student to do the demo with me and then I will send students to BreakOut Rooms to do this with their partner. After they've read through the script the first time, they will switch roles. Students will have 5-6 minutes to do this. Afterward, I will conduct Open Class Feedback about the activity.

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