Zoë Heyn-Jones Zoë Heyn-Jones

The Anglo - Business Preliminary 4 - Monday 18 January 2021 - 7:30-9:30am
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, we will introduce ourselves and the course objectives. Students will be enabled to practice reading for gist and detail in the context of a short text about 'green data.' Students will discuss environmental protection and ways to help, and will thereby be enabled to practice speaking for fluency.


Main Aims

  • To enable students to practice reading for gist and detail in the context of a short text about 'green data.'

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to extend their lexical range in the context of discussing environmental issues.
  • To enable students to practice speaking for fluency in the context of interviewing and introducing their partners, and discussing environmental protection.


Course Introduction (10-12 minutes) • To introduce The Anglo, myself, and the materials that we will be covering in the next 30 hours of study.

T shows introductory slide presentation. T introduces The Anglo and encourages Ss to learn more by visiting the website. T introduces herself and provides contact information, encouraging Ss to contact her with any questions or concerns about the course. T introduces the materials to be covered in the 30 hour course - units 10-12 of Business Result Pre-Intermediate. T stresses the focus on COMMUNICATION. T asks Ss if they have any questions or concerns.

Student Introduction (18-22 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to introduce themselves and to get to know their colleagues; to enable students to practice speaking for fluency; to enable teacher to gather information about students that will inform the group profile and will allow for personalized and student-centred lesson planning

T gets Ss attention. T shows Jamboard with icebreaker questions. T tells Ss that they will be paired up (odd # = one group of 3) and asks them to interview each other using the questions on the Jamboard for 6 minutes (3 minutes each) T asks Ss to make sure to ask the Qs in blue (name, location, job, why English?) and tells them that they can use the additional Qs to get more information about their partners. T tells Ss that once they are done interviewing their partners, that they will come back to the whole group and present their partner to the group. ICQ: are we working in groups? [no, in pairs] ICQ: are we interviewing our partner about themselves? [yes] ICQ: how many minutes do we have? [6 minutes total, 3 per person] T asks Ss if they are familiar with channels/breakout rooms? [If not, T gives brief intro to functions] T sends Ss to channels/breakout rooms. T calls Ss back to main room. T nominates Ss to introduce partners [approx. 2 minutes per person = approx. 7 minutes]

Warmer (4-6 minutes) • To transition from introductions to lesson context and engage students.

T nominates S to tell the class a bit more about their home country, asking about the weather, plant life, landscape, etc. T asks Ss what these words describe (the ENVIRONMENT). T introduces the topic of the lesson: the ENVIRONMENT.

Lead-in (8-10 minutes) • To set the lesson in context and engage students.

T shows slide with the following statements/Qs: “We all need to do more to protect the environment.” Do you AGREE or DISAGREE? Why? “Progress on environmental problems is very slow.” Do you AGREE or DISAGREE? Why? What do you think are the most urgent environmental problems? T asks Ss to get together with a new partner to discuss these statements/Qs for 5 minutes. ICQ: will you be working with the same partner? [no, with a new partner] ICQ: how many minutes do you have to discuss? [5 minutes] T sends Ss to breakout rooms/channels to discuss. T brings Ss back to main session and nominates a couple Ss to share their discussions.

Pre-Reading 1 (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T gets Ss attention. T sends like to "Environment Vocabulary" Jamboard: https://jamboard.google.com/d/13gWkybkztwUEhZGREPu8MFX63Gl_IMahRpJY_XmLYzQ/viewer?f=0 T introduces Jamboard and demonstrates how to move stickies. T asks Ss to work collectively match yellow to green stickies to create useful phrases for 3 minutes. ICQ: are we working individually? [no, as a group] ICQ: how many minutes do we have? [3 minutes] Ss work collectively match stickies. T gets Ss attention to go over answer key [3 minutes]

Pre-Reading 2 (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible.

T gets Ss attention. T sends Ss link to "Working with Words - The Environment" Google Form: https://forms.gle/fYb4HNNGCbK7hxhR7 T instructs Ss to work in pairs for 3 minutes to choose the correct phrases to fill in the blanks. ICQ: how many minutes do we have? [3 minutes] ICQ: are we working in groups? [no, we are working in pairs] T sends Ss to channels/breakout rooms for 3 minutes. T calls Ss back to main session. T nominates pairs to check their answers in whole class feedback.

While-Reading 1: Gist (5-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks.

T gets the Ss attention T instructs Ss: Please have a look at the PDF in Teams > General > Class Materials [also screen shared]. It's a short article called “Green Data.” I want you to read it quickly, individually, and choose one of these alternative titles. Which one best describes what this article is about?” T shares screen with article on slides, and directs Ss to PDF in Teams. T shares screen with Google form and sends link to form in chat: https://forms.gle/EVeiqyK1frzFPMyW9 T instructs Ss: “You have 4 minutes to read the text quickly and choose the best alternative title.” ICQ: Are you working individually or in groups? [Individually] ICQ: How many minutes do you have? [4 minutes]

While-Reading 2: Detail (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks.

T gets the Ss attention T instructs Ss: “Now I would like you to read the text in more detail and answer the following questions” T shares link to Google Form: https://forms.gle/ge3T4d5qTSwBpGjb9 T: “Let’s take 10 minutes to read the text again and work on the questions individually.” T gets the Ss attention T instructs Ss that they will get into groups and have 4 minutes to discuss their answers ICQ: How many minutes do you have? [4] ICQ: Are we doing this individually or in groups? [In groups] T sends Ss to breakout rooms for discussion Ss return to main session and share their answers.

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T gets the SS attention T shares screen with Qs T instructs Ss: “Now I would like you to take 8 minutes to discuss the following questions with your group” Do we need so many data centres? What do you think of the initiatives in Helsinki and at Google? What does your company do to help the environment? What other initiatives could your company take? What do you do at home to help the environment? What more could you do? ICQ: How many minutes do you have? [8] ICQ: Are we doing this in pairs? [No, in groups] T sends Ss to breakout rooms for discussion T calls students back to main session Each group shares an answer

Feedback and DEC (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback and delayed error correction.

T addresses any good language and interesting/important errors noticed during monitoring/feedback.

Conclusion (5-7 minutes) • To sum up and close the lesson and to prepare for the following lesson.

T gets Ss attention and thanks them for their time. T asks Ss if they have any questions or concerns, specifically about accessing course materials, platforms, etc. T takes note of anything to address with supervisors/academic services. T asks Ss to look at "Practice file 10: Language at work" (Course book p. 125) and to try to complete it for self-study/further practice. T thanks Ss again for their time, and wishes them a good day.

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