Sylwia Ejmont Sylwia Ejmont

TP 4b 11/07/14
A2 level


In this lesson, students will read a text on the dangers of excessive TV watching in order to identify the "-ing" and "-ed" adjectives and practice those forms through controlled exercises.


Abc "Kill your TV!" reading
Abc Pre-reading Predictions HO
Abc Adjective HO
Abc Reading Questions HO

Main Aims

  • To highlight the "-ing" and "-ed" adjectives and to provide controlled practice of TL using the context of television.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading practice while scanning for the "-ing" and "-ed" adjectives in the text on the effects of television watching.


Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To introduce the context of the reading

T will write "Kill your TV!" on the board and ask the students to predict what the subject of the reading might be. Questions to ask: "What do you think this text is about?" Write on the WB: "a) stop watching TV or b) police shows" and ask the Ss to choose one answer.

Pre-reading task (3-4 minutes) • To set up context for grammar and elicit predictions about the text

T will chest the Pre-reading Predictions HO and ask the Ss to work in pairs on answering the questions.

Reading task (2-3 minutes) • To provide Ss with a reading task for gist

T will ask the Ss to read through the text fast in order to check if their predictions about it were correct. T will provide whole class feedback at the end.

Reading for details (5-7 minutes) • To set up and highlight target language through questions about details in the text

T will chest the Reading Questions HO and tell the students to read the first 3 paragraphs more carefully in order to find answers to the questions on the HO. While the Ss are reading, they will answer the questions. T will ask the Ss to underline the "-ing" and "-ed" adjectives found in the questions on the HO.

Focus on TL (3-4 minutes) • To highlight target language and help students understand its forms

T will write the adjectives "exciting, bored, surprised, frightening" on the board and ask Ss to find 2 more examples like that in the last two paragraphs of the reading. As FB T will write "worrying -- worried" on the board, adding the other pairs with blanks exciting -- ______ ____ -- bored frightening -- _______ and ask the Ss to think about the two different endings. "How is the end of the word different in each of these?"

Focus on TL meaning (3-4 minutes) • To elicit the general rule about the usage of TL adjectives

T will write example sentences on the board: Watching TV is boring. Jack is bored because his wife went out. Discovery Channel programs are interesting. Jill is interested in travel. T will underline the TL endings. T will ask the Ss to come up with a rule about them: "people + adj -ed things/activities + adj -ing"

Controlled grammar practice (5-7 minutes) • To give Ss written and spoken controlled practice of the TL

Ss will chest the Adjective HO and model the example on the board: "Are you worried/worrying about watching too much TV?" -- circle the right adjective. Ss will work on the exercise in pairs. During FB, teacher will solicit reasons as to why the Ss chose the particular answer. Ss will then answer the questions on the HO and any other follow-up questions in pairs.

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