Gabriel Gabriel

TP4 LP Gabriel García Rojas C.
Elementary level


In this Lexis Lesson, Students (Ss) will learn and practice the following 5 (five) Frequency Adverbs : never, always, sometimes, often , usually, in the context of waking up early / late.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice Adverbs of Frequency (never, always, sometimes, often, usually) in the context of waking up early/late.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice fluency speaking practice in the context of waking up early / late.


Lead In (4-5 minutes) • To have a lesson concept setting and to have Students (Ss) engaged.

Introduce the Topic to Students. - Ask learners to talk in pairs or breakout rooms, depending on the number of students, for 2 minutes and ask each other the following 2 (two) questions: 1. When does a bird wake up and when does an owl wake up? 2. Are you an early bird, or a night owl? Show image to help illustrate that early birds wake up early, and night owls go to sleep late. 2 (two) Links for each question: Link 1 Link 2 Give Ss an example: I am an early bird, because I always like to wake up early in the morning. OCFB.

Language Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the Meaning, Form and Pronunciation of the Target Language.

MEANING - Exercise 1.- Ss work together (breakout rooms) (5 minutes) to match sentences with images (TL) regarding frequency adverbs on a jamboard. Link: CCQs on exercise Exercise 2.- Showing rough percentages and example sentences for each of the 5 frequency adverbs, Ss must match each post it with the percentage of use of the adverbs of frequency. (5 mnutes) Link: TL CCQs: 1.- Do I drink coffee every morning? Answer is "Yes". 2.- Do I go to bed after 11 pm? Answer is "No". 3.- Does my brother reads a book many times or a few times? Answer is "Many/Most". 4.- Which is more, usually or often? Answer is "Usually" 5.- Which is more, sometimes or Never? Answer is "Sometimes". Ask Ss if they have any Qs about the words (Adverbs of Frequency) or example sentences. PRONUNCIATION - Write vocab words (Frequency Adverbs) on a whiteboard, model them exaggerating stress in them, and drill chorally and individually. - Cover the 2 pronunciations of often: /ˈɑːf.ən/ or /ˈɑːf.tən/ (more formal). - Elicit word stress. FORM - Show example sentence (I always drink coffee in the morning) on whiteboard and write out the form with blanks: - _____ + _____ + _____ + _____. List parts: subject, frequency adverb, verb, complement. Put complement in its place as an example. Elicit which parts come first, second, and third. Ask Ss if the 5 (five) frequency adverbs reviewed on TL exercises are at the beginning or end of the sentence. Explain to Ss that this specific Adverbs of Frequency come at the beginning (always, usually, often, sometimes,never). How Frequent we do somehing. Link: IF TIME PERMITTING: Go over meanings again using more CCQs, this time not showing the words from the slide/whiteboard: A) If my friend loves to drink coffee in the morning, do you think he rarely drinks coffee or usually drinks it? Answer is "Usually" B) Which is more, sometimes or often? Answer is"Often" C) Which is more, always or usually? Answer is "Always"

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice on TL Frequency Adverbs

Have Ss complete a grammar task individually for 3 minutes. Link Check answers in pairs for 1 or 2 minutes. - OCFB. Practice for meaning will be covered in the freer practice section.

Freer Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

Ask Ss to choose 4 TL words (frequency adverbs) and use them to describe their day. Give examples. Give Ss 2-3 minutes to write/type individually. Ss share sentences in pairs for 3 minutes. OCFB. Monitor for errors. DEC. End: Share a reference sheet I wrote for homework, where they can see a longer list of ways to describe frequency, and encourage them to use it if they want to be more precise. Link 1: Link 2

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