Pelin Pelin

Teaching Practice 4
Intermediate level


In this lesson students will practice modal verb structures and use them while talking.


Abc Gap Fill Handout
Abc Underlining Activity
Abc Gap Fill Handout

Main Aims

  • To practice modal verb structures on necessity and obligation.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice obligation by using modal structures while talking.


Warm Up (5 minutes) • In this stage teacher tries to elicit some of the modal structures.

T shows a Picture and tries to elicit the usage of: must and should. Answers DR: You must take these pills. Mother: You should take these pills. T asks SS : 'You can see two similar sentences I want you to look at them and find what can we write in the spaces. Please dicscuss with your partner for just a minute. When the SS finish T gets some ideas. T writes the sentences on the board ans says : They bot look similar but must is more strong, we use must for the things that we really have to do but should is more soft in that sense

Grammar Review (8 minutes) • In this stage SS will focus on the difference between should and must.

T shows a PPT where she can ask quesions to the SS: T: 'Now you are going to see a story.' T starts showing the PPT but while showing it asks SS quesions like 'What did Mary say? or What did the doctor say?' and SS are supposed to answer the quesions with should and must. After the PPT is over T writes some sample sentences on the board. Joe should exercise but he shouldn't smoke. Joe must eat fruits and vegetables but he mustn't eat fast-food. and T gives some information about the usages of the modal structures.

Activity on Should and Must (5 minutes) • In this stage SS this time will do and activity on must and should.

T shows the WS to the SS and asks them to fill the gaps with must or should. T: 'Now I want you to fill in the blanks with 'shoul' or 'must' When they finish doing the activity they do peer check. T asks SS to think about today and write three sentences using must and should about the things that they are going to do today and share it with their partners. T: 'Now I want you to think the things that you are planning to do today. So by using should, shouldn't, must, mustn't. write four sentences first each of them and then tell them to your partners.' ICQ:'Are you going to use just should with four sentences' (No beacuse they have to use all of them once.)

Grammar Review on have to and must (5 minutes) • Inthis section SS will review the usage of have to and must.

T writes some examples on the board. T: Now I want you to look at these sentences.' You have to finish this book by tomorrow. You must finish this book by tomorrow. T asks 'Do you think there's a difference between these sentences. I want you to discuss with your partners.' T this times writes the negative forms of these sentences: You mustn't do your homework here. You don't have to do your homework here. T asks 'Is there a difference between these two sentences I want you to discuss with your partners.' When SS finish their discussions T shows the difference in the meaning of mustn't and don't have to.

Grammar review on 'Can' (5 minutes) • In this section SS are going to riview Can.

T brings a cup of tea or coffe and asks two SS to help her. T says: 'Now we are going to act out think that I don't know English. One of the SS will be working in a coffee shop and one of you will be my friend. I don't know English and I want you to help me.' T points out an object and asks SS to help him to say it to the coffee shop owner. T tries to get : May I or Can I. T writes it on the board : Can I have a cup of coffee/tea? May I have a cup of coffee/tea? So T tells the SS : 'If we ask for someting if we want to be polite we use can or may.

Activity by using modals (5 minutes) • In this stage SS will use most of the Modals they have learned.

T first elicits the words : advantage and disadvantage. T: 'Let's think that you are going to England and you don't know English is this good or bad for you. (SS will say bad most probably) but let's think you can speak English very well is this good or bad for you (SS will say good) So what can we say: While going to Enland knowing English is what ?' T tires to get the worh advantage and writes it on the board and asks 'What is the opposite or let's say antonym ? and gets the Word disadvantage from the SS. T shows the SS a worksheet. T: Now you are going to read a text about Des O'Brien, he is talking about the advantages and disadvantages of working at home. I want you to look and circle the appropriate structure.' When they finish they are going to do peer check. Then they listen to the record and check their answers. T: 'Now you are going to listen to the record please check your answer.'

Overall review (7 minutes) • In this sections SS will both use the structures and review the usages

T first elicits the words : necessary , not necessary, permitted and not permitted. T: ' Let's think that I'm cooking spaghetti so do you think I need salt? So it's what ? (to get the answer necessary.)' (And writes it on the board.) T:'Let's think I'm baking a chocolate cake do you think I need salt?' So it's what? (to get the Word not necessary or unnecessary and writes it on the board. T: 'Let's think I want to talk on the phone but I'm on the plane do you think they will let me? So talking on the phone isn't what on the plane? (to get the Word permitted and not permitted) and T writes them on the board. T: 'Now I'm going to give these WS I want you to flook at activity number 3 and fill in the blanks where it says B - C and D with these words. When they finish they do peer check. T: 'Now I want you to look at activity number 4 and by looking the modal forms on activity number 3 fill in the blanks.' When they finish they do peer check. T: So now I want you to answer these questions about yourselves.' And they do peer check.

Guess the Place or Situation Game (5 minutes) • In this part they are going to do speaking by using the modal structures they have learned.

T: 'now I'm going to give you papers and on these papers you are going to find same places. I want you to five sentences by using can, should, have to, must, mustn't and so on.' T gives and example: T: 'Now I'm going to write some sentences on the WB and I want you to guess where am I. You can't walk around. You can have a drink or something eat. You can sleep. You mustn't talk on the phone. You mustn't change your seat.' When she gets the answer PLANE she writes the Word on the WB. But please don't Show your papers to your friends and just write down your sentences. When they finish writing T makes groups of 3 or four. T: 'Now I want you to get into groups of 4 and tell the sentences that you have written and let your friends guess where you are. But please don't show or tell what you have on your paper.' ICQ: 'Are you going to tell I'm on a plane I can't walk' No 'You are just going to tell the sentences you have written and let your friends guess it.' If time permits this activity can continue as whole class.

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