Merve Merve

Teaching Practice 4
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, the ss will have a quick chat about the types of music. Then they will listen a conversation about music experiences of two characters and they will do a gap-fill exercise. In order to focus on grammar, they will listen to the record again and circle the correct answers on the other half of the exercise paper. This will be followed by a guided discovery exercise which includes the rules of the Present Perfect Tense and the Past Perfect Tense. Finally, a small chart will drawn by the T on WB and the ss will be asked to stick the flashcards onto right place on the chart.


Abc pictures
Abc Exercise 3a
Abc Exercise 4a
Abc Exercise 5a
Abc exercise 5-b

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of question forms in the Present Perfect Tense in the context of music

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information and gist listening practice using a text about musical experiences in the context of music


Lead-in (0-3 minutes) • To introduce the ss with the context of the lesson

The ss will be asked what kind of music they like and will have a small chat about why they like that kind of music, who are their favourite singers or bands etc. with their pairs.

Pre-listening activity (0-2 minutes) • To help the ss visualise the characters in the conversation in the following stage

T will stick two pictures on the WB and ask the ss ''Who are those people?''. They will tell some names and finally T will introduce the characters by writing their names under the pictures: Julie and Scott.

While - listening activity (0-5 minutes) • To help ss improve their receptive skill - listening

Ss will be told that they will listen a dialogue between Julie and Scott. They will be given a handout to fill in the blanks by using the characters' names while listening.T give the answer key sheet to ss.

While listening activity #2 (0-5 minutes) • To provide ss a soft shift from a listening activity to a grammatical structure

Ss will listen the dialogue again but this time they will focus on the grammatical structure of the text. After they finish, ss will tell the answer out loud and T will correct the errors.

Focusing on the meaning (0-5 minutes) • To make the meaning clear for ss in terms of making questions in the Present Perfect Tense

T will write a model sentence on the board : ' Have you ever been to a rock festival ? '. Also she will draw two timelines showing finished and unfinished action. By pointing the timelines she will ask to ss if the sentence refers to a finished or an unfinished action. This will be followed by CCQs such as : Am I asking about the future ? (No) Am I asking an experience in your life ? (Yes) Then as a guided discovery , they will be given a handout including the rules of the Past Simple and the Present Perfect. They will fill in the blanks with the appropriate tense and the answers will be checked quickly.

Focusing on the form (0-5 minutes) • To show ss how to form the TL by referring to the model sentence

T will write the sentence formation on WB by eliciting from ss. Have / has + Subject + ever + past participle (V3) .... ? Then T will draw a chart and stick some words out of the chart on the WB. Ss will come and stick the words on the appropriate gap.

Focusing on the pronunciation (0-2 minutes) • To get ss to pronunce the TL correctly

T will drill the sentence chorally and individually on the board by break it into parts : - a rock concert - been to a rock concert - Have you ever been to a rock concert ?

Speaking activity #1 (0-10 minutes) • To provide ss to practise the TL with different people

Ss will be given a 'Find someone who ...' activity. Before starting T will have a little demo to show the class how they play the game.Then everybody will stand up and start asking questions each other. If teacher hears a mistake from one of the ss she will correct it.

Speaking activity #2 (0-8 minutes) • To provide ss to practise the TL by speaking

Ss will be given a list including the phrases to be adjusted into 'Have you ever ... ?' questions. In pairs, they will make questions and answer them. While monitoring them, T will take notes and correct the errors.

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