Emanuel Emanuel

Making Predictions with Will
Pre-intermediate A2/B1 level


In this lesson, students will learn about the use of will to make predictions, The lesson starts with a discussion about the plans students have for the next year. Then, students will read a Model text that will expose them to the TL. After the two readings for gist and detail, students will do some activities to discover MAF. Then, teacher will ask CCQ's that will help the students to understand in a deep way the TL. Teacher will model and explain some relevant features of Pron. Next, there is a controlled practice activity. The lesson ends with Freer Practice where students will personalize the TL and make their own predictions. Teacher will provide FB and DEC



Main Aims

  • To provide
  • • To provide clarification and practice of making predictions using will and won’t in the context of what we expect to happen in 2021 (in student’s life and in the world)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of reading for gist and detail. To provide speaking practice in the use of TL


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The lesson starts with a discussion about the plans students have for the next year. Teacher will nominate a student to ask the next question: WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR 2021? Students will see the demo and then they will discuss the question for 2 minutes in the breakout rooms After this, there will be a brief OCFB

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

After this, students are going to read a Model text called “WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR?”. In the text, students will see how 3 people are using will and won’t to make predictions. Here the reading: ● “Well, I’m graduating from university next June, so I think I will get a job. I know it won’t be easy to find one – so I will probably study for a master’s degree. We’ll see”. Christy Lewis ● “I’m not sure. I’ll probably get a better job. Before that, I’m going to ask my boss for a promotion. Will my boss give me the promotion? I don’t think so”. Laura Chang ● “Well, some of my friends are going to travel around Europe for 2 weeks. But it will be expensive, and it won’t be safe because of the coronavirus… So I’ll probably not go with them”. Paul Read Next, students will answer a simple question for gist: “Are these people talking about the present or about the future?” About the future Next, students will read for detail. They will answer some questions that focus the attention on the TL Here the activity with AK’s (in block capitals) Complete the sentences using “will” or “won’t” ICQ: What 2 words do you have to use? Will and Won’t 1. Christy thinks that it WON’T be easy to find a job 2. Christy says she WILL probably study for a master’s degree 3. Laura says she WILL probably get a better job 4. Laura thinks that her boss WON’T give her the promotion 5. Paul says it WILL be expensive to go to Europe Students will have 30 seconds to verify their answers

Clarification (8-14 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

MAFP will be clarified First, students will do an activity to discover Meaning. They will work in pairs in the BR for 2 minutes. Teacher will give this instruction and do a demo MATCH sentences 1-4 to the meaning a-d. 1. It will be expensive to go to Europe 2. I’ll probably study for a master’s degree… 3. It won’t be easy to find a job 4. Will my boss give me the promotion? a) Asking about a probability b) Saying what I am sure that it will happen c) Expressing a probability d) Saying what I DON’T expect to happen AK: 1=b 2=c 3=d 4=a Students will check their answers for 30 seconds and then teacher will ask some CCQ’s to clarify meaning in a deeper way Look at the phrases: It will be expensive to go to Europe It won’t be easy to find a job CCQ’s: Are these phrases talking about the future? Yes Am I VERY SURE of this? Yes Can I use “will” and “won’t” to say what I expect to happen? Yes Look at the next phrase: I’ll probably study for a master’s degree… CCQ’s: Is this phrase talking about the future? Yes Am I SURE of this? No Is this a probability? Yes Next, teacher will clarify Appropriacy Look at the 4 phrases It will be expensive to go to Europe It won’t be easy to find a job I’ll probably study for a master’s degree… Will my boss give me the promotion? CCQ’s: Are these phrases, formal, neutral or informal? Neutral If I don’t use contractions, are they more formal? Yes After this, students will do an activity to discover Form. They will work in pairs in the BR for 2 minutes. Teacher will give this instruction and do a demo What is the structure? 1. I’ll probably study for a master’s degree… 2. It won’t be easy to find a job 3. Will my boss give me the promotion? a) Will + subject + infinitive + complement + ? b) Subject + will + probably + infinitive + complement c) Subject + won’t + infinitive + complement Students will check their answers for 30 seconds AK: 1=b 2=c 3=a Teacher will ask some CCQ’s to make sure that students have understood the Form of positive, negative and questions Positive Form Subject + will + probably + infinitive + complement What is the mistake in the sentence? I’ll probably studied for a master’s degree… Mistake: studied Correct sentence: I’ll probably study for a master’s degree… Clarification: Will probably is always followed by a VERB IN INFINITIVE Negative Form Subject + won’t + infinitive + complement What is the mistake in the sentence? It’s won’t be easy to find a job Mistake: It’s Correct sentence: It won’t be easy to find a job Clarification: We NEVER use it’s before won’t. We use IT Question Form Will + subject + infinitive + complement + ? What is the mistake in the sentence? Will to my boss give me the promotion? Mistake: to Correct sentence: Will my boss give me the promotion? Clarification: We NEVER use "TO" after Will. We just use Will Then, teacher will clarify Pronunciation. He will display the next sentences and ask questions to make students aware of the features of Pron. I’ll probably study for a master’s degree It won’t be easy to find a job Will my boss give me the promotion? What words are pronounced more? a) Nouns, verbs, adjectives, won’t b) Will, pronouns and prepositions Answer: a) Nouns, verbs, adjectives, won’t Students will see a red circle above the Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and won’t to give them visual help to identify stress Tip 1: You can stress won’t to remark that the idea is negative Then, teacher will clarify linked sounds, difficult words and intonation I’ll probably study for a master’s degree It won’t be easy to find a job Will my boss give me the promotion? How do we pronounce the word “easy”? a) with the sound of /s/ b) With the sound of /z/ Answer: b) With the sound of /z/ Teacher will display IPA: /ˈiː.zi/ What words are linked? 1) “Study for” or “for a”? Answer: “for-a” 2) “Won’t be” or “be easy”? Answer: “be-easy” 3) “To find” or “find a”? Answer: “find-a” Students will see arrows that connect linked words Intonation. In the question, do we use a rising intonation or a falling intonation? We use rising intonation in questions you can answer with YES or NO Then, teacher will model and drill Then, teacher will ask CCQ's that will help the students to understand in a deep way the TL. Teacher will model and explain some relevant features of Pron

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Teacher will instruct and do a demo. Students will work individually to demonstrate that have understood the use of TL. Teacher will monitor and provide help if needed In silence, fill the blanks using will or won’t (2 mins). 1. My friend didn’t study. I think he _____ pass the exam 2. I got my aguinaldo. I _____ probably buy a new phone 3. Coronavirus doesn’t stop. We ____ go on vacation this year 4. Your car is not working. I think you _____ get on time to work Identify the mistake Correct the sentences (2 mins) 5. I think that Mexico will to win the game 6. It’s really cold. It’s will probably snow tomorrow AK's 1=will 2=will 3=won't 4=won't 5 Mistake: "to" Correct sentences: I think that Mexico will win the game 6 Mistake: It's Correct sentences: It’s really cold. It will probably snow tomorrow Then, students will provide the answers. Teacher will provide FB

Free Practice (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Teacher will set the activity using these two questions. He will do a demo with a student. Then students will have conversations in the BR adding their own predictions What do you think? What will happen in 2021? Model of production: ADD YOUR OWN PREDICTIONS I think I won’t go on vacation this year because… I will probably buy a new… I think I will finish my English course, because... I will probably learn to… I think doctors will / won’t find the cure for coronavirus, because…

Delayed Error Correction (2-4 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Teacher will reserve some time at the end of the class for DEC, monitoring the students during FP, praising the good use of TL and upgrading students’ use of the language

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