Michael Michael

TP 7 - Grammar
Pre-Intermediate level


This is a Grammar lesson to prepare students for our exciting essay writing challenge in TP8.


Abc Error Correction Form

Main Aims

  • To empower students to contrast intentions and wishes in the context of lanning for Christmas

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review auxiliary verbs, and practice expressing ideas in future tense.


Lead-In (5 minutes) • Model Language, Set Context for Lesson (Making plans for the holidays)

T announces he's *going to* buy his mom flowers, but wishes he could buy her a car instead. Ss go into breakout rooms in pairs to describe the things they will see on holidays, vs. things they want to see.

Text Work (9 minutes) • Give Ss a concrete example of TL, give context for the rest of the lesson

T writes 2 examples overheard from Breakour Rooms, asks CCQ: When we say 'would,' are we talking about the future? (yes) Did these things happen yet? (no) T rewrites an example from BoR as a "will" statement. CCQ: Has the meaning changed? (yes) CCQ: What's different? (Elicit 2 responses, then segue into GIST) GIST: T sends a GOOGLE FORM with 3 more examples overheard from Lead-In activity. Students have 3 minutes to read the examples, and determine whether they're *wishes,* or *intentions.*

Clarification (12 minutes) • Clarify MF(a)P for Planning Language (Will vs Would)

MEANING: T presents 3 sentences (eg. "I hope X," "I plan to do Y," I wonder if Z will happen" Did any of these things happen already? (No) Are they happening now? (no) What's the difference between hoping and planning? (One is a feeling, and one is your intention.) Do I want X to happen? (yes) Do I want Y to happen? (Yes) Do we know if I want Z to happen? (no) FORM: T breaks Ss into pairs, gives them 4 minutes to attempt to organize the example statements on a JAMBOARD Cline, from strongest to weakest intention. Next, T elicits from the class as a whole to organize the same examples from most to least certain, emphasizing the verbs used to carry this meaning. PRONUNCIATION: Using a similar technique to my last few classes, show students pronunciation charts and coach them through the words, sound-by-sound. Drill for practice. APPROPRIACY: CCQ: What do we do to make a disagreement more formal? (Acknowledge the other side/ say something nice) CCQ: What if we think something bad will happen? Is it formal to call attention to a bad thing? (no) CCQ: Is it more formal to mention unpleasant things indirectly? (yes) CCQ: What can we do to stay formal, even if we think something bad will happen? (Say it with less certainty, mention the odds of a good thing - eg. "I'm not sure it looks good.")

Controlled Practice (9 minutes) • Give students a chance to practice alone and concept-check before free practice.

Ss will gain access to a GOOGLE FORM with 4 sentences about Christmas plans that have a combination of "Would/if" and "will/when." When they see a sentence with "will," they'll rewrite it as a sentence with "would," and vice versa.

Free Practice (10 minutes) • Give Ss space to apply the lesson with a freeform writing and conversation activity

T models next activity with a high-performing S. "Hey, S, would you rather hhave X or Y?" (Y!) Ss get 1 minute to write HARD* questions, and 5 minutes in Breakout rooms to play "Would You Rather," the classic American conversation game where you ask people to choose between two equally appealing (or unappealing) options! The implication is that they'll stick to the theme of Christmas plans. T monitors, keeps track of 4 examples of TL. After 5 minutes, T writes 4 examples for students. T uses remaining time to conduct OCFB by eliciting student analysis of good examples, and examples that could be improved. *eg. "Would you rather have 50 Christmas trees the size of turkeys, or 10 turkeys the size of trees?"

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