Irina Irina

TP8 LP Irina Bardakova
Pre Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about writing a personal profile with linking words 'also' and 'as well as'


Abc Student's Book Outcomes
Abc Zoom

Main Aims

  • To provide process and structure of writing a personal profile with conjunctions 'also' and 'as well as'

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading practice using a text about personal profile


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher greets students and shares a Google Slide with the task: 'Look at 2 individuals below and guess their personal information' Teacher gives instructions to work in small groups in breakout rooms (2 minutes) ICQ follows. Students discuss in groups using Zoom breakout rooms. Students return to the main room. Teacher nominates students and listens to their answers. Link to the Google Slide:

Layout (3-4 minutes) • To analyze and/or identify elements of layout that provide coherence and cohesion in the text

Teacher shares a Google Form document and gives 2 minutes for students to read again and answer 2 questions below (students work individually). ICQ follows. Link to the Google Form: Teacher then shows answer key on Google Slide, asks students to compare and goes over any concerns. Link to the Google Slide:

Formulaic Language (5-8 minutes) • To analyze and/or identify language conventions in the text

Teacher shares analysis task on Google Form and asks students to work on it individually and exchange answers using Zoom private chat (3 minutes). ICQ follows. Link to Google Form: Then, teacher shows a slide with answer keys for students to compare answers. Link to the Google Slide: Teacher asks CCQs to make sure students understand the meaning, then checks the understanding of the form on the separate slide. Link to Google Slides

Parallel Writing (4-5 minutes) • To practice the layout and language conventions previously seen in writing some writing exercises

Complete 2 tasks below (individually 3 minutes) Teacher shares a Google Doc with the task. Teacher asks students to complete it individually (3 minutes) Link to Google Doc: Teacher asks students to compare their answers with correct ones on the next Google Slide. Teacher conducts OCFB. Link for Google Slide:

Free Writing (12-16 minutes) • To produce a similar text based on the sample for fluency purposes.

Teacher shares a Google Doc file with writing practice task. Teacher asks students to work individually on creating their personal profiles for 12 minutes. Teacher makes sure that everyone can access the Google Doc and starts typing text. Teacher monitors students and makes suggestions or error correction if possible. Link to Google Doc:

Publishing & Feedback (5-7 minutes) • To allow learners to share their text and get feedback on the contents and language of their written production

Learners publish their text for everyone to read. Then, teacher assigns pairs and sends students to breakout rooms with the checklist to review each other's work. (3 minutes) Link for the checklist on Google Slide: Students return to the main session. Teacher conducts feedback on the task. Teacher conducts feedback on language in the Delayed Error Correction (DEC) stage.

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