Hamdi Bousaada Hamdi Bousaada

Copy of Teaching Practice 6b
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about the future perfect in comparison with the future continuous through a guided discovery based on a reading text about future predictions in 20 years time. This lesson starts with a discussion about the student's thoughts of the future. This is followed by a gist and scan reading where students read predictions and answer some questions. Finally there is a controlled practice through filling in the gaps with the correct tense based on the same context and then a freer practice that gets the students talk to a partner and say if they think some predictions will happen or explain why not. By the end of the lesson, students will have a better understanding of the tenses and will have had practice using that language and be better able to talk about the future.


Abc Highlight TL AK.docx
Abc Controlled Practice AK.docx

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of the future perfect and the future continuous through a reading text in the context of future predictions that have been made for the next 20 years. There will be a focus on guided discovery and S-S learning.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and scan reading in the context of some predictions that have been made about the next 20 years.
  • To provide accuracy and fluency speaking practice in the context of prediction in twenty years' time.


Lead-in/ Building Context (3-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the context of the reading text

T will ask the Ss if they are worried about what the future is hiding for them. T will ask the student "what year will it be after 20 years?" (2036) T will project some visuals about future predictions related to weather, transport, environment, homes. T will ask the Ss to look at the visuals and discuss if these future predictions are good or bad for us to experience in the future. Ss will discuss in pairs. T will elicit some opinions from the class.

Exposure (Reading task) (8-10 minutes) • To practice reading for gist and specific information in order to contextualize and introduce the target language.

Gist task: T will chest the reading HO. T will ask Ss to read some predictions that have been made about the next 20 years and ask Ss which ones they think are already happening, are like to happen, probably won't happen. T will get the Ss to compare their ideas with a partner. T will elicit some opinions from the class. Reading for specific info: T will tell Ss to read the predictions again and choose which two would they most ad least like to come true. T will ask the question to the WC and get feedback

Highlighting target language (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will pair the Ss. T will chest a HO T will ask the Ss to look at the highlighted verbs in the prediction from the reading. T will ask Ss to decide whether they refer to an action or situation that will be finished or still in progress in the future and categorize them in a table. T will ask Ss to check their answers with their partners. T will elicit some answers from the Ss then provide them with answer key.

Clarifying the target language (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

(Ss will undertake a guided discovery task to focus on the meaning and the form of the future perfect and the future continuous). T will put Ss in groups of 3 T will show Ss the guided discovery HO and tell Ss that they are going to look at two examples a & b and first work on the first part (meaning 4 mins) and not to unfold until being told. Ss will do this individually ICQ: "Will you answer all the sections?" [No] T will monitor very carefully and might have to do some micro-teaching to help students who are finding difficulties. T will tell Ss to check with their groups. T will get feedback and provide answers. After Ss finishes working on the meaning section, T will tell them to unfold the paper to answer the use/function section (3 mins). T will keep monitoring carefully to see if Ss are able to understand the TL. T will check their answers with their groups. T will get feedback and provide Ss with answer key. Ss will now answer the form section (3 mins). T will check their answers with their groups. (1 min) (if there is time T will invite some Ss from different groups on the board to complete the form section) T will get feedback and provide Ss with answer key. T will deal with the Pronunciation after meaning and form by boarding the sentences. a) “Most people will have installed solar panels by 2036”. In this sentence T will highlight (wɪləv) in will have by using finger technique. b) “Most people will be installing solar panels in 2036. In this sentence T will highlight that "be" is the STRONG form. T will model and drill.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide controlled practice focused on using the language accurately

T will chest HO for controlled practice. T will tell Ss to complete the written dialogue with the verbs in brackets in the future perfect or future continuous. T will give the Ss the HO and start monitoring immediately. T will ask Ss to check with their partners. T will get some feedback then provide Ss with answer key.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free oral practice of the target language to use it productively.

T will chest the HO. T will focus on the first prediction (most people in office jobs will be working from home) T will ask the class what they think and elicit ideas. T will get Ss to continue in groups of 3 T will monitor for delayed error correction. T will motivate Ss by commenting on the content they have produced.

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