Edward Murphy Edward Murphy

Writing Lesson, TP7, Object pronouns
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students are introduced to clarification and practice of language for writing in the context of a short story. Ss will learn about object pronouns and how they are used for writing a short story. Students cover Meaning, Form, & Pronunciation of language used for object pronouns. We will be using Google docs, forms and jamboard for information. T will show Ss an example story for text analysis, and help Ss understand the layout (sections) of a story and the language that is part of it (formal or informal). Ss will have an opportunity to practice writing their own short story. Ss will also have an opportunity to use a checklist to evaluate or correct another student's story. Ss will also will have feedback session with the other student and discuss the changes or corrections they saw, in BOR. Ss will have feedback on the tasks, in OCFB and after the C/F practice times. At the end we will take time to have DEC and questions, if time permits.


Abc checklist for writing lesson
Abc Google docs- short story writing
Abc CP & FP handouts / tasks
Abc Jamboard Q&A, tasks
Abc Short story for writing lesson
Abc Google docs- MFP worksheet
Abc Jamboard MFP

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice for writing a short story.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing using object pronouns.
  • Practice using a checklist to correct writing tasks.
  • To provide practice analyzing the structure and composition of short stories.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T greets the Ss. T explains today's topic. Today we will learn about language used for writing short stories. These words are vocabulary for writing. Soon, I will show you 2 questions about stories. Jamboard 2 Qs. T to shares jamboard ...asks Ss please read the two Q's. T asks to see if Ss understand the 2 Qs . T will give examples as needed. T nominates 2 or 3 students to answer. ICQs: Do you enjoy reading stories? Can you write a short story?

Text Analysis (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T will show Ss an example story for text analysis, and help Ss understand the layout (sections) of a story and the language that is part of it (formal or informal). Layout: T opens and share jam board/g docs link T shows beginning/mid point/end structure Ss may not follow beginning/mid point/end structure when writing their own short story. T will observe and give Ss help when Ss are not following writing structure. Language(MFP): Ss may not have grammar skills to understand object pronouns. T will observe and give Ss help when having difficulty understanding object pronouns. Ss may not have writing skills / vocabulary to write the a short story. T will observe and give Ss help when having difficulty writing. Ss may not follow beginning/mid point/end structure when writing their own short story. T will observe and give Ss help when Ss are not following writing structure.

Clarification (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Some students cannot understand the object pronouns meaning used for writing a short story. (some remain unchanged while others always change9 , eg. (I, me) (it,it) you it us them T gives Ss model language. Teacher will provide examples and explain the unique changes/meanings.

Writing Practice (18-20 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful writing practice

Ss practice writing their own story on shared google doc, with sample story on screen. T opens google doc and assigns student writing area by number on doc. Now you can write your own short story. Write in the space under Paul's story. You have 20 minutes. ICQs: Are you writing a short story? How many parts does it have? How many minutes? T observes, noting any typical mistakes. T will use these for feedback at the end. T observes and helps as needed, assists with using object pronouns.

Feedback (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with more practice of the target language

In Feedback have them scroll down to their partners story so each of them have each other’s paper ..and later in breakout rooms can do feedback. But! 1st In the main room have them look at the checklist and check their partners story to prepare them for feedback and break up they read the partners paper first go through the checklist checking the partners paper in correct about 4-5 minutes then they go into rooms ,for ? Minutes, on the same screen they must be able to see the checklist and their partners story. —— —— OCFB For stronger or lower students vary the checklist task and the number of words you request them to check or confirm. T provides Ss with a checklist so that they can correct a partner's writing. T to shares on google docs, asks Ss please read the checklist. Ss do this individually and then check in pairs in BOR. T asks ICQs to see if Ss understand the checklist . What are we checking? What is wrong with this word / sentence? You have 8 minutes. How many minutes? T can model / do 1st correction. T will give examples as needed. T updates at 4 minutes. T observes and helps as Ss are using the checklist. Are you done? Now we will go into BOR. T send Ss to breakout rooms and they can give each other feedback after using the checklist. T observes BOR and helps as Ss are using the checklist and give each other feedback. BOR end. OCFB T asks for S volunteers / eclicts Ss choices. DEC

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