Irina Irina

TP5 LP_Irina Bardakova
Pre Intermediate level


In this lesson students practice speaking for fluency in the context of deciding where to eat


Abc face2face
Abc Zoom

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of places to eat

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of lexis in the context of deciding where to eat


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher greets students. Teacher shares the Google Slide with the picture and warm up questions: Discuss in breakout rooms: ' What is your favorite restaurant? Why is it special to you?' (3minutes). Students work on the task in groups using Zoom breakout rooms. Students return to the main room. Teacher nominates students and conducts OCFB. Link to the Google Slide:

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Teacher shares another Google Slide with listening gist activity. Teacher asks to listen to the part of the recording (30 seconds) for general understanding and complete the task that follows. Students check answers in pairs using Zoom breakout rooms. (2 minutes) ICQs follow. Students return to the main session and teacher reviews the answers with the group. Link to Google Slide:

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language and understand the meaning

Teacher shares another Google Slide and asks to read the dialog and find phrases that make suggestion, raise an objection, suggest an alternative. (individually for 2 minutes) First one done as an example. ICQ follows. Link to the Google Slide: Teacher then nominates students to check the answers and conducts OCFB.

Clarification (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Teacher shares a Google Slide from just completed exercise and asks CCQs: Did B offer a place to eat? Did A agree? Did A like the idea? Did B offer another place? Then, teacher asks students to identify the appropriacy for the conversation in the dialog (informal, formal, or neutral). Students share there answer openly in class. presented below and asks students to work for 2 minutes on it and exchange answers using Zoom private chat. ICQ follows. Look at the sentences below and answer the following 4 questions. work for 2 minutes on it and exchange answers using Zoom private chat. How much time do you have? Google Slide Link: Then, teacher shares the white board and writes the target phrases. Teacher asks students to listen carefully and identify the stress in each sentence. Teacher nominates students to answer and marks the stress in each sentence. Then, teacher models models the pronunciation of specific words from the phrases by using the phonetic forms. Teacher asks students to repeat after her. (drill) / How about that? / / / To be honest, I don’t really feel like a curry today / / Well, why don’t we go to Prego instead. that / ðæt/ honest / ˈɑnəst/ really / ˈrɪəli/ curry / ˈkʌri/

Speaking Task (15-20 minutes) • To provide opportunities for learners to practice speaking for fluency in a communicative manner

Teacher shares another Google Slide and asks to create similar conversations using the ideas presented on the slide. Teacher does first one as an example. Students work in pairs in breakout rooms (5 min) Once students return to the main session, teacher conducts short OCFB and DEC. Google Slide link: Teacher goes to the next slide and asks to work in pairs in breakout rooms. Students need to use the phrases from today’s lesson in conversation about a place to eat tonight. Sample questions are listed on the slide to start. Students need to reject at least one of the ideas offered. (5 minutes) Once students return to the main session, teacher conducts short OCFB and DEC. Google Slide Link: Once students come back to the main session, teacher exchanges partner and sends everyone to breakout rooms to practice again. (5 minutes)

Content and Language Feedback (3-6 minutes) • To provide feedback on accurate and inaccurate samples of learners’ language

Teacher writes on the white board some sentences (both accurate and inaccurate) and highlights areas of grammar, lexis, pronunciation, appropriacy related to target language of the class.

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