tugce tugce

present perfect tense and simple past tense
pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will learn the differance between Simple past tense and Present perfect tense in the context of 'Star War' film. This activity will be followed by comprehension questions where Ss will compare their answers in pairs. Afterwards T explains the differance between Simple past tense and Present perfect tense by giving model sentences by using timeline. This will be followed by making students to find examples from the article.


Abc face2face handout

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of present perfect tense in the context of films

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about feel the force in the context of Star Wars film


Warm-up (5 minutes) • to put emphisize on repeating structural patterns through oral practice

The T begins the lesson by showing to the students a big poster of the Star War film but without giving the title and will ask the Ss to try and guess what movie will be disscussed. The T will then ask questions and elicit the plot of the film from the students.Once the students famıliar with the plot, T asks concept questions about the film 'Star Wars' While eliciting the plot of the film, new words will be introduced by the teacher like;' robot, allien,character, battle, evil, special effect' .T will also teach the pronounciation of the words by drilling the words. After writes the T writes the words o the board.

Pre-reading (10 minutes) • to activate students schemata about the topic.

The T will ask Ss to work in groups and exchange information of what they know about the star wars film using the prompts in their handout sheets and Ss will be asked to share their answers with the class.

reading (10 minutes) • to quikly idenfify the main idea of a text

The teacher will ask Ss to focus on the article and the photo of Todd Philips. Afterwards Ss will be asked to read the article and find four things that show that he is a big Star Wars fan. When they finish their skim reading they will be asked to share their answer with the rest of the class. Following this, the teacher will ask the students to read the article a second time and answer the questions indivicually on their handout sheets. When they complete this task they will be asked to check their answers in pairs and share them with the rest of the class. They will also be asked to give their opinions of Todd Philips obsession with star wars films.

grammar (10 minutes) • teaching the differance between simple present tense and present perfect tense

The teacher writes varios sentences in the simple past tense and present perfect tense then explains how to form negative and positive sentences in both tenses. The teacher will do this by underlining the verbs and time expressions in the sentences.on the board. T emphasizes the differance between simple past tense and present perfect tense providing model sentences.

post-reading (10 minutes) • to check the key target language

Students will look at the article again and find four examples of the present perfect and simple past. Before that teacher will do the first one with the rest of the class as an example. Students will compare their answers with the rest of the class. Afterwards T will show some papers which some verbs on it. Ss will have to decide whether they will make sentences in present perfect tense or simple past tense.

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