Maria Ybanez Maria Ybanez

TP6 Functional Language
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will learn how to use Follow up questions.


Abc Text book
Abc Work Book

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for asking follow-up questions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To teach students to show up interest during a conversation and to answer back to follow-up questions.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

* T presents Slide 2 and asks Ss to talk about a question with a partner in the breakout rooms. "What is your favorite activity to relax during weekends?" * T remembers them they will have 3 minutes in order to ask the question to each other. * T sends them to the breakout rooms and supervises each room in order to prepare for the OCFB. * Ss come back from the breakrooms and T nominates one Ss from each room in order to ask what did they talk about.

Text Work (12-14 minutes) • To introduce Ss to the target language.

GIST TASK * T presents the Gist Task to the Ss in Google Forms. * T says: "You will have 3 minutes in order to read the following conversation and answer the questions". * After the 3 minutes Ss will need to compare their answers in the breakout rooms. They will have 2 minutes. * Ss come back in order to check answers in the OCFB. INTENSIVE READING TASK * T presents the next activity in Google forms. * "You're going to read the same conversation. Put attention on the highlighted language and answer the following questions. You will have 3 minutes". * After the 3 minutes Ss will need to compare their answers in the breakout rooms. They will have 2 minutes. * Ss come back in order to check answers in the OCFB. T nominates 1 Ss per question.

Language clarification (4-6 minutes) • Cover of Meaning, Form, and Pronunciation.

*Teacher presents Slide 3 while explaining what Follow-up questions are. "Follow-up questions are the questions you ask after you hear something and you want to know more about what the speaker is telling you". * T explains the structure in Slide 4 and offers some examples. Then T nominates Ss in order to them to try to construct a sentence by their own. * T explains Ss how to say the follow-up sentences with the correct pronunciation and intonation.

Controlled Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide an opportunity for students to practice the TL they have learnt.

* T presents the next task on Slide 5. "You're going to read a conversation. Then choose the correct responses from 2 to 6 for the gaps b) to f). The gap a) has already been answered. You will have 3 minutes to finish". * After the 3 minutes the T asks Ss to compare their answers in the breakout rooms for 2 minutes. T sends them to breakout rooms. * Ss come back and T nominates 1 Ss per question in order to check their answers and give feedback.

Freer Practice (8-9 minutes) • To allow students practice the TL in a real life conversation.

* T presents the communicative task to Ss on Slide 6. * "You will have a conversation with your partner about one of you going on vacation and the other asking more details about it. Remember to use the target language and prepare for the open class activity. You will have 3 minutes in order to do this task". * T sends Ss to the breakout rooms for 3 minutes. * After 3 minutes Ss come back for Conduct Feedback and DEC.

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