Valeriya Lytvychenko Valeriya Lytvychenko

TP7 Writing a Travel Review
Upper-Intermediate level


The focus of this lesson will be on productive skills, more precisely - on writing. The lesson will start with a lead in that will set the context and engage students. They will be expected to predict the topic of the lesson based on the photos and afterwards answer some questions related to the topic of travelling. The next stage will be sample analysis that will cover both layout and language aspects. Students will be expected to go through a guided discovery process to identify the structure of a travel review and analyse useful language. The main stage of the lesson will be the actual process of writing which will be followed by peer feedback. Both writing and peer feedback will be done using the collaborative writing platform called Padlet. Peer feedback will be done based on the checklist designed for this purpose. The lesson will end with an open class discussion and delayed error correction.


Abc Word document "Peer Feedback Checklist"

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice for writing a travel review

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice for reading skills (gist and detail) in the context of travel reviews


Warmer/Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T. will start a class showing her photos on Google Slides and asking Ss. to predict the topic of today's class. After that, T. will organise Ss. into groups using breakout rooms function on Zoom and will ask Ss. to answer some questions related to the topic of travelling (sending them the link to Google Slides). Once Ss. are finished with a discussion and back to the main room, T. will have an open class brief review of the questions, asking Ss. to share their answers simultaneously showing thumbs up or thumbs down.

Exposure (5-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

T. will use Google Slides to show a travel review sample for one well-known hotel. Ss. will be expected to go through a guided discovery process doing a gist and detailed reading. First, they will be given some minutes and will be expected to work in groups (using breakout rooms function on Zoom) and identify the layout of a travel review by matching the parts of the review with their titles. Once Ss. are back to the main room, a brief review of the layout will take place. After that, Ss. will be answering the detailed information questions on Google Slides as a part of open class discussion.

Useful Language (5-5 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T. will use Google Slides to first elicit Ss.' answers to the questions provided. After that, Ss. will be expected to work individually and then share their answers in pairs using the chat box function on Zoom. They will be expected to go through the guided discovery process again, analysing the aspects of meaning, form and appropriacy.

Productive Task - Writing a Travel Review (20-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T. will instruct Ss. to think of any place they have visited before the pandemic and write a short well-structured review of that place on Padlet. Ss. will be expected to include a title of the review, the name of the place, an overall rating, the reviewer ID, a review text, the travelling date, travelling with +/- the photo of the place. The instructions and the key elements will be available on Google slides. Even though writing will be individual, T. will organise Ss. into groups (using breakout rooms function on Zoom) to create a safe environment where Ss. can ask each other questions if they need. T. will also monitor the process using the collaborative writing tool Padlet and will visit the breakout rooms guiding Ss. when necessary.

Feedback and Error Correction (10-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

There will be two stages of feedback. During the first one, Ss. will be expected to choose one review written by their group mate, on Padlet assess the usefulness of the review on the scale from 1 to 5, use Word.doc with Peer Feedback Checklist, complete it and copy the answers in the comment below the group mate's post on Padlet. During the second stage, T. will ask Ss. what they have practised in today's class and will make a delayed error correction highlighting both positive and negative aspects of students' performance in terms of production and use of language.

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