Lucas Lucas

TP6 Lesson Plan Lucas Gerardo González
B2 level


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, practice and review of language used for telling stories in the context of personal anecdotes

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice in telling stories in the context of personal anecdotes
  • To provide gist reading practice using two short related stories in the context of personal anecdotes


Warmer/Lead-in (7-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask students to look at the pictures. Instruct them to discuss the question with their partners. Put them into BOR. Allow 3 minutes. (3 minutes + 1) "Look at the pictures. What do you think happened to Bill? I'll give you two minutes to discuss the question with your partner" Ask one or two students to share their guess with the class. (3 minutes) "Alright, S, what do you think happened to Bill? Why?"

Exposure (8-8 minutes) • To introduce the TL in context using two stories. To provide students with gist reading practice in the context of personal anecdotes.

Ask students to read the two stories quickly. Allow three minutes. (3 minutes). "Read these two stories quickly. You have 3 minutes for this." Put students into BOR's and ask them to discuss the question with their partners. Allow 2 minutes (2 minutes + 1) "Okay, now discuss the question with your partner. You have two minutes". Conduct OCFB. Ask one or two pairs of students to share their answers with the class. If no one answers, nominate. (2 minutes) "Okay, can anyone tell me whose side of the story do you believe? Why? (prompt if necessary)" .

Clarification (8-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Draw students' attention towards the text with highlighted language. Allow 2 minutes for a second reading. "Okay, now, read the text again for two minutes. Pay attention to the highlighted language. What are those expressions used for?" (2 minutes) Instruct students to complete the guided discovery task in pairs. Allow three minutes (3 minutes + 1) "Now, work with your partner. Match the phrases with their purpose or meaning. You have 3 minutes" Conduct OCFB. Elicit answers from students. (3 minutes) "What do you have for A, S?" OBS: I decided not to cover form or pronunciation directly because I assume students won't have any problems with this language at this level. However, I will be paying attention to how they use the language and will address any problems during DEC.

Controlled Practice (6-6 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to use the TL in a controlled activity focussing on ac-curacy.

Instruct students to complete the controlled task on their own. Allow three minutes (3 minutes +) "Now, let's do a short task. Fill in the gaps with the given expressions. Work individually. You have three minutes" Conduct OCFB. Elicit answers from students. (3 minutes) "What do you have for A, S?"

Free Practice (17-17 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Instruct students to work in pairs. Ask them to share a personal anecdote with your partner. Draw attention to the prompt and to some useful language they can use. Allow 7 minutes (7 minutes + 1) Conduct OCFB (4 minutes) Delayed Error Correction: Write a sentence containing the heard errors and a correct version of the sentence. If pronunciation is the problem, say the word incorrectly and then model it correctly. Elicit answers: Which one is correct? Why is it correct/incorrect? (4 minutes)

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