Harriet Sleath Harriet Sleath

TP8 Grammar
Elementary level


In this lesson students will focus on the grammar topic of the verb TO BE in the past tense with the topic of talking about previous birthdays and other celebrations. Students will see an initial text with examples of the target language. Teacher will conduct MFPA and use slides for CCQs to check understanding. In controlled and freer practice students will have the opportunity to use the new target language in the form of a google form and general conversation.


Abc Picture of Text

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, Ss will have learnt and practised the past simple form of the verb TO BE in the context of talking about celebrations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Ss will have also practised reading for gist.


Setting context and topic preparation (Lead-in) (4-5 minutes) • To engage students and make the topic interesting for them

- T shows the Ss the 5 pictures on slide 2. Ss have 1 min to look and think about what the celebrations could be - Birthday - Christmas - Valentine’s Day - Graduation - New Year’s Eve - Instructions: Today we are going to talk a little bit about celebrations. Here are 5 pictures of different types of celebrations. You have 1 minute to think about what celebration you can see in each picture. - T conducts OCFB and writes any good vocabulary on the screen from Ss’ ideas. - T encourages Ss to share their ideas with the question ‘What celebration can you see in picture A?’

Text-Work – Reading for gist (7-8 minutes) • To give an initial familiarity with the text

- T shows Ss the text about my 28th birthday party on slide 3 (adapted from activity 2c on page 40). - Ss read the text quickly and tick the boxes to show what things are included in the text: - The weather - My age - Birthday presents - People at the party - Food and drink - Instructions: Yesterday it was my birthday and I want to tell you about it! You have 4 minutes to read the short text and tick the things that I mention. - T conducts OCFB and makes notes on the screen, using the tick option to correctly tick the correct answers - Ss can give their answers in the chat or speaking (I will decide depending on how the class is going at this point)

Language and Clarification: Student-Centred (9-10 minutes) • To clarify meaning and form using examples from the text

- T uses slide 4 to discuss meaning. - Ss look at the underlined verbs and decide if we are talking in the present, past or future. T shows the answer as says we are focusing on the verb TO BE. - Instructions: Look at the verbs in the text which are underlined. Decide if, in general, we are talking in the present, past or future - Yes, this is the past simple form of the verb TO BE. - On slide 5, Ss put the correct form of the verb in the table using the text and the patterns (adapted from activity 3b on page 40) - Instructions: You have 4 minutes in the breakout room to complete the table with the positive or negative form of TO BE. Use the text and the answers in the table to help you. Take a screenshot! - DEMO with the first example! - Ss work individually (depending on time) and then in b/o rooms to check their answers together - In the main zoom room, we check answers on slide 6 - T asks the CCQs to the group using slide 7 and they answer together: - Do we use was, were, wasn’t and weren’t for actions in the past? YES - The sentence I was happy, is this positive or negative? POSITIVE - Did my sister come to my party? NO - Was I happy about my party? YES

Language and Clarification: Teacher-led (7-8 minutes) • T helps to clarify pronunciation and appropriacy using examples

- T shows Ss slide 8. - Script: Here we can see the correct pronunciation of the verb TO BE in the past. - WAS uses a /z/ sound so it’s a hard voice sound. - The negative, WASN’T is WAS and NOT put together. It is more common to use the contraction WASN’T. This is 2 syllables, WAS-UNT. - WERE uses a long err sound (not like where) - The negative WEREN’T is WERE and NOT put together. This is only ONE syllable and is pronounced WERE-NT. It is also more common to use this contraction. - Ss practise the pronunciation by repeating and then we look at 4 example sentences. T says the sentence and Ss repeat. - On slide 10, T shows Ss the contractions once more and stresses that this is a more natural way of speaking and less formal.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To choose the correct options to complete the sentence

- T shows the google form where choose the correct option (adapted from activity 4, page 40) - Ss work individually to complete the sentences using the options. - Instructions: Complete the sentences by choosing the best option. You have 3 minutes. - DEMO with the first question. - T checks with Ss with OCFB and shows answers on the screen so Ss can check. - This can be done on the google form with eliciting answers from Ss if we have time. If not, answers are on slide 12.

Freer Practice (7-8 minutes) • To practise new language in a freer way by talking together

- T shows Ss slide 13 and tells Ss they will talk about their last birthday - Ss work in pairs in b/o rooms for 5 mins and discuss using the target language. - Instructions: It’s your turn. In your breakout room, you have 5 minutes to talk about your last birthday. Remember, our focus is the verb TO BE in the past. To help you, talk about who was at your party, the weather, some adjectives to describe the party and how you were feeling. - If time, DEMO and use the examples on the slide. - If we have time leftover, there is another freer practice where Ss choose another celebration and talk to a different partner on slide 14. - Instructions: Let’s do it one more time. With a different partner, talk about a different celebration in the past. Maybe you celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday, do you know someone who graduated recently? You have 4 more minutes.

Feedback (3-3 minutes) • To provide students with feedback and to revise language used

- T conducts DEC to summarise ideas and follow up on the productive stage. - Note on the screen, one or two sentences for Ss to correct themselves

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