Curtis Curtis

Present Continuous Tense for Future Arrangements
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about using the present continuous tense to talk about future arrangements in the context of New Year's plans.


Abc Cutting Edge: Pre-Intermediate Students' Book

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, learners will have practiced and revised using the present continuous tense for future arrangements in the context of holiday and New Year’s plans.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Learners will have also practiced their reading for gist skills.
  • Learners will have also practiced their fluency for speaking in the post-task discussion.


Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson and engage the students.

- Teacher introduces lesson by telling students they will continue to talk about the New Year. - Teacher displays images of four activities to celebrate the New Year and instructions for a lead-in on the screen. - Instructions: Discuss which one of these activities you would choose to celebrate the New Year and why. - Teacher demonstrates the task by providing a brief answer to the question. - ICQ: Can you talk about any activity? No. - ICQ: Do you have to pick one of these four activities? Yes. - Students work in groups to discuss which activity they would choose and why. - Teacher conducts OCFB by asking one to three students from different groups to share their responses.

Presentation Through Text (4-5 minutes) • To show the target language in context and read for a general understanding.

- Teacher tells students they will read three people’s plans to celebrate the New Year to get a general idea of each of their plans. - Instructions: Read and match each person’s plan with the best image. You have 2 minutes. - ICQ: Are we reading for much detail or for the main idea? Main idea. - Learners read the text and complete the reading for gist task individually. - Teacher conducts OCFB by asking the learners what image best matches each person’s plan.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To cover meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language.

-Teacher tells students there is something interesting going on in some of the sentences within the text. -Teacher displays copies of the sentences in which the target language is found on the screen: -“This New Year my family is renting a house in the mountains.” -“I’m having a party on New Year’s Eve.” -“My mother is cooking a special dinner for all the family.” -“Then, at twelve o’clock, my friends and I are going to the beach.” -“We are meeting lots of other people for a big beach party.” -Teacher asks students if these sentences have anything in common with each other to check students’ current understanding and elicit the fact that all of the sentences reference future plans. -Instructions: In groups, look at the sentences and answer the questions below. 1. “This new year my family is renting a house in the mountains.” Is my family renting a house in the mountains now? When will my family rent a house in the mountains? Is this a possible plan or a definite plan? 2. “I’m having a party on new year’s eve.” Did I already have a party? When will I have a party? Is this a possible plan or a definite plan? 3. “My mother is cooking a special dinner for all the family.” Do I tell you when my mother is cooking a special dinner? Can you guess when my mother is cooking a special dinner from the context? 4. “Then, at twelve o’clock, my friends and I are going to the beach.” Did my friends and I already go to the beach? When will my friends and I go to the beach? Teacher demonstrates the task by completing the first question with the students. -Students work in pairs in breakout rooms to answer the questions. -Teacher conducts OCFB by asking students for their answers, nominating less talkative students as needed. -Teacher asks students the following CCQ to elicit the use of the present continuous tense: -CCQ: Is the activity in progress, finished or scheduled? Scheduled. -CCQ: If an activity is already scheduled, is the activity a definite plan you will do or a possible plan you might do? A definite plan you will do. -CCQ: Are we talking about things we would like to do, things we will probably do or things we have arranged to do? Things we have arranged to do. -Teacher displays copies of three of the sentences in which the target language is found on the screen: -“This New Year my family is renting a house in the mountains.” -“I’m having a party on New Year’s Eve.” -“My mother is cooking a special dinner for all the family.” -Teacher asks the students the following questions for each of the sentences: -What is the subject? -What is the helping verb? -What is the main verb? -Is the future time mentioned? What is it? -Teacher applies formatting changes as students provide a response to visually showcase the form. -Teacher asks the students how to make the sentence negative, time permitting. -Teacher asks the students to fill-in-the-blanks for the formula to use the present continuous tense to talk about future arrangements: -Subject + ________ + ________ form of the main verb + future time -Teacher displays copies of three sentences in which the target language is found on the screen: -“My mother is cooking a special dinner for all the family.” -“Then, at twelve o’clock, my friends and I are going to the beach.” -“We are meeting lots of other people for a big beach party.” -Teacher asks students which words or parts of words are stressed in the underlined part of the sentences. -Teacher displays the following words on the screen: renting, having, cooking, going and meeting. -Teacher asks students what syllable is stressed in each word to elicit the pronunciation of words ending in -ing (i.e., the first syllable is always stressed).

Controlled Practice (9-10 minutes) • To practice using the target language in a controlled way.

-Teacher tells students they will practice using the language discussed. -Instructions: Complete the questions below with the verbs in the box. You have 5 minutes. -Cooking -Doing -Going -Going -Going -Having -Having -Meeting -Taking 1. Are you ________________ out for a meal tonight? Who are you going with? 2. Are you ________________ anything interesting this weekend? What? 3. Are you ________________ anyone after this lesson? Who? 4. Are you ________________ shopping later today? Where? Who with? 5. Are you ________________ a birthday party soon? When? 6. Are you ________________ dinner this evening? Who for? What are you ________________? 7. Are you ________________ any important exams in the near future? When? 8. Are you ________________ abroad soon? Where? Why? -Teacher demonstrates the task by completing the first question with the students. -ICQ: Can you use any verb you want? No. -ICQ: Do you have to use one of the verbs in the box? Yes. -ICQ: How long do you have? 5 minutes. -Students complete the controlled practice individually. -Students work in pairs in breakout rooms to check their answers. -Teacher conducts OCFB by asking students for their answers, nominating less talkative students as needed.

Freer Practice (9-10 minutes) • To practice using the target language in a freer, communicative task.

-Teacher displays instructions for a production task on the screen. -Instructions: Discuss what you are going to do… -Tomorrow. -This weekend. -On Christmas Day. -On New Year’s Eve. -Teacher demonstrates the task by providing a brief answer to the question for each date given. -ICQ: Are we talking about what we did in the past? No. -ICQ: Are we talking about what we are going to do in the future? Yes. -ICQ: Are we using the present continuous to talk about future plans? Yes. -Learners work in groups in breakout rooms to discuss the question posed. -Teacher conducts OCFB by asking one learner from each group (if time permits) to provide a recap of what was discussed (e.g., who did you talk to? What did you talk about?).

Feedback (5-6 minutes) • To provide learners with feedback on the completion of the task and target language used.

-Teacher writes samples of students’ production and instructions to identify and correct the incorrect sentences on the screen. -Instructions: Identify and correct the incorrect sentences. -ICQ: What are we going to do? Identify the incorrect sentences and correct their errors. -Students work in pairs in breakout rooms (or as a class, depending on time constraints) to identify the correct sentences and to correct the incorrect sentences. -Teacher conducts OCFB by asking the students for the correct sentences and for the corrections to the incorrect sentences.

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