Irina Irina

TP3 LP_Irina Bardakova
Upper Intermediate level


This is a grammar lesson where students will learn and practice using 'be used to and get used to' in their conversations.


Abc face2face
Abc Zoom

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of be used to and get used to in the context of experiences

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a discussion in the context of experiences


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher greets students and shares a Google Slide with the task: Discuss a hobby or skill that you have now but didn’t have in the past. Teacher gives instructions to work in small groups in breakout rooms (2 minutes) ICQ follows. Students discuss in groups using Zoom breakout rooms. Students return to the main room. Teacher nominates students and listens to their answers. Link to the Google Slide:

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Teacher shares a link to google Forms and asks students to read the text quickly and answer the following question working individually. (2 minutes) ICQ follows. Teacher nominates students to check the answer. Link to the Google Form:

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Teacher gives another 30 seconds for students to identify the sentences in the same text that have the meaning of something that is becoming familiar or is familiar. First one done as an example. (students work individually). ICQ follows. Link to the Google Form: Teacher then nominates students to check the answers and conducts OCFB.

Clarification (8-11 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Teacher shares another task on Google Form presented below and asks students to work for 2 minutes on it and exchange answers using Zoom private chat (2 minutes). ICQ follows. Look at the sentences below and answer the following 4 questions. 1. The one thing I really wasn't prepared for was how different Mongolian food is, but I'm slowly getting used to it. 2. Although sleeping in a ger seemed very strange to me at first, I'm used to staying in these wonderful tents now. 1. Did it feel strange to Lottie to eat Mongolian food ? Yes 2. Does it feel strange to her now? No 3. Choose the correct meaning. Be used to = is familiar, get used to = the process of becoming familiar. 4. Choose the right structure of the ideas given. subject +get used to + noun/-ing verb+ complement, Subject + be used to + noun/-ing verb+ complement. Teacher then nominates students to discuss answers. Google Forms Link: Then, teacher shares the white board and copies 2 sentences from the previous task. Teacher asks students to listen carefully and identify the stress words in the sentence. Teacher nominates students to answer and circles stress words. Teacher asks students to repeat after her. (drill)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Teacher shares Google Form slide with the task. Teacher asks students to choose the right form for the blank spaces and complete the task individually. (3 minutes) Then, teacher asks to share answers in pairs using Zoom private chat feature. Teacher nominates students and conducts OCFB. Say and ask students to repeat some sentences. Google Form link:

Free Practice (6-11 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Teacher asks students using the structures be used to and get used to discuss in small groups in Zoom breakout rooms the following questions. (3 minutes) ICQ follows. 1. Name 2 things that you are used to doing every day. 2. Imagine you have to move to a new city. Do you think you’ll have a hard time getting used to living there? How about another country? Once students return to the main session, teacher conducts OCFB and DEC. Google Slide link:

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