Juan Juan

B2 Upper intermediate. level


Abc Power Point slides

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a To provide fluency speaking in a conversation about good and bad travelling experiences.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a To practice reporting information other students give them


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T greets Ss and introduces himself T asks Ss "Do you like to travel?" T introduces the topic "today we are talking about good and bad travelling experiences" T instructs " watch this video and tell me if it's a good or bad trip" After watching the video T nominates and asks a S: "Was the Woman happy? Where did they they travel to?" T explains Ss " watch this video and tell me if it was a good or bad experience" After watching the video T nominates a S to answer: "Was this a good experience? What was the problem?"

Useful Language (6-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

T nominates different Ss to: "read the vocabulary" T asks S "do you have any questions about the vocabulary?" CCQ: Do the green words have a positive or negative meaning? Positive CCQ: Are you going to use the pink words for the bad travelling experience? Yes T nominates different Ss to: "read and answer the question" CCQ: Are you delighted when you bad good food? No CCQ: Is delighted a synonym of happy or a synonym of angry? happy T nominates different Ss to: "read and answer the question" CCQ: Is a thief a good or a bad person? A bad person CCQ: What is the present tense of stole? steal CCQ; What do thieves normally steal? money T nominates different Ss to: "read and answer the question" CCQ: Is Sushi an example of Mexican cuisine? No CCQ: What is an example of Mexican cuisine? Taco Burritos Enchiladas. T tells Ss : "Listne and repeat / loʊkəl kwɪˈzin /" T nominates a S to repeat the pronunciation. T asks Ss : "look at the picture, what other problems do you see?"

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T nominates a S to : "ask the first question to another student" T repeats the same process with other Ss. T nominates a Ss to "read the questions of the speaking task 1". T gives a demo buy asking a S the first Question. T copies the link in the Zoom chat and instructs Ss : Open the zoom chat and open the link. ICQ: "Did you open the link for the activity? yes " T instructs Ss to : " Describe your best trip. Ask the questions to your partners. Write down their answers on your notebook and report the information to the rest of the class. You have 8 mins for this activity." ICQ: "Are you writing down your partners' answers? Yes" ICQ: "How much time do you have for this activity? 8 mins" T nominates a Ss to "read the questions of the speaking task 2". T gives a demo buy asking a S the first Question. T copies the link in the Zoom chat and instructs Ss : Open the zoom chat and open the link. ICQ: "Did you open the link for the activity? yes " T instructs Ss to : " Describe your best trip. Ask the questions to your partners. Write down their answers on your notebook and report the information to the rest of the class. You have 8 mins for this activity." ICQ: "Are you writing down your partners' answers? Yes" ICQ: "How much time do you have for this activity? 8 mins"

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T instructs a S : "Tell us about your partners' good travelling experience." T writes down information in the PP slide and gives comments and asks questions about the information. T instructs a S : "Tell us about your partners' bad travelling experience." T writes down information in the PP slide and gives comments and asks questions about the information. T then writes down the incorrect structures and grammar Ss used during the monitoring of the Productive Task and Feedback. T elicets Ss " help me correct this sentence, what is the problem?" T gives praise and writes down the correction. T concludes the class and thanks Ss.

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