José David Carrillo García José David Carrillo García

TP7 David Carrillo (Grammar)
Elementary level


For this lesson, Students will learn about the present continuous in the context of "the meeting". I setting a virtual environment asking where they are at different times. A listening provides the context for present continuous and the language clarification is done. Controlled practices deal with verbs in gerund and sentences in present continuous. 2 freer activities follow: one is a dialogue referring to a meeting and the second one is more personalized.


Abc TPt The meeting ppt
Abc Virtual background (Where are you ______?
Abc Listening (the meeting)

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Present Continuous in the context of meetings

Subsidiary Aims

  • Learners will review vocabulary they saw in previous TPs
  • Learners will have also a chance to remember verbs and practice some reading in freer activities


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To have a lead in based on the topic.

Teacher displays slide virtual background (VB): Nominate 1 st and set a timeframe and ask: Imagine it’s 2 pm in the afternoon, where are you? Model or provide example on screen o Write answers on the WB/screen (Slide 1) Tell students to ask questions one another using options Share link ( Send SS to BoR, let them share answers Return and share answers, type examples on screen

Set context / Language clarification (8-11 minutes) • To prvide students with a context of the new languge item / to provide language clarification

Show SS Slide 2, Explain they will hear a conversation. Instructions: “listen for the correct phrases” Give students time to read the phrases Play audio (T-Ss) then show answers Go to Slide 3 (Go over Meaning) Say: “do you remember Frank? Where is he? and do you remember the activity he is doing?” (Students may say, wait, he is wait, waiting for taxi) Frank is waiting for a taxi. /mæks ɪz ˈweɪtɪŋ fɔːr ə ˈtæksi/ CCQ 1: Is the action in the past? (no, it’s in the present) CCQ 2: Is the action in progress now? (yes) Show timeline Say: “What other action is in progress?” The Tamada brothers are sitting in Frank’s office. /ðə Tamada ˈbrʌðəz ɑː ˈsɪtɪŋ ɪn fræŋks ˈɒfɪs/ CCQ 1: Are the two actions in progress in the same moment? (Yes) Show timeline GDQ: At this moment, what is you mother, father or brother doing? Guided Discovery Question: “What is NOT in progress in that moment?” Students should answer: “Liz in not working, Liz in not doing anything” Liz is not doing anything important at the moment. /lɪz ɪz nɒt ˈdu(ː)ɪŋ ˈɛnɪθɪŋ ɪmˈpɔːtənt æt ðə ˈməʊmənt/ Danny isn´t doing anything /ˈdæni isn´tiː ˈdu(ː)ɪŋ ˈɛnɪθɪŋ/ Slide 4 (Go over Form) CCQ 1: What is new in the sentences? (is & are - to be) CCQ 2: What form or letters are in the verb? (gerund | ing) CCQ 3: What’s the new structure? (Subject+ am | is | are + verb in -ing + comp) CCQ 4: What word has a negative form? (not) CCQ 5: What is the negative form) (Subject+ am | is | are + not + verb -ing + comp) GDQ 1: What are the possible contractions? (Isn’t/aren’t, She’s not/He’s not, We’re not) Slide 5 (Go over Pronunciation) -ing = /ɪŋ/ I am not | I’m not /aɪ æm nɒt/ /aɪm nɒt/ He’s not | She’s not | they’re not | We’re not | You’re not /hiːz nɒt/ / ʃiːz nɒt/ /ðeə nɒt/ /wɪə nɒt/ / jʊə nɒt/ He isn't | she isn't | it isn't | You aren't | We aren’t | They aren’t /hiː ˈɪznt/ /ʃiː ˈɪznt/ /ɪt ˈɪznt/ /juː ɑːnt/ /wiː ɑːnt/ /ðeɪ ɑːnt/ CCQ 1: Do we stress actions in the sentences? (yes) Frank is waiting for a taxi. The Tamada brothers are sitting in Frank’s office. Danny isn´t doing anything (Coe N, Oxford Practice Grammar, 243, Workman G, Concept Questions and Timelines, 2005, OH3)

Controlled drill (3-4 minutes) • to provide practice for verbs in gerund

Go to Slide 6 Gives students 25 seconds to memorize as many verbs as possible “Memorize the verbs | 60 seconds” | Stop sharing screen Give students 1-2 min (individually) to organize the verbs Share Jamboard link to Jamboard Slide 2 ( Show the slide once more to show answers

Controlled Practice 1 (4-5 minutes) • To provide controlled practice of the TL

Go to Slide 7 Give students 30 secs to read Tell Students the instructions: “Select the correct option” and model Tell students to answer in jamboard slide 3 Share PPT slide 7 once more to show answers (if time is fit) Nominate Students individually to say answers

Freer Practice 1 (5-7 minutes) • To use the language fluently

Go to Slide 8 Teacher tells ss to complete the activity “Complete the dialogue” Send students into BoR in pairs to complete the conversation (If time allows it) Back in main room have students model for classmates Show possible answers Slide 9 Monitor and correct as needed (record students’ language use for DEC)

Freer Practice 2 (7-9 minutes) • To use the language fluently

Go to Slide 10 Teacher tells ss to complete the activity “Think about your family” Say: “Where is your brother for example? What is he doing or not doing?” Provide model Send to BoR in pairs or small groups (If time allows it) Back in main room have students model for classmates Monitor and correct as needed (record students’ language use for DEC)

FB / DEC (5-7 minutes) • To provide Ss with feedback on content and language.

Go over Language use for feedback and DED (OneNote) Remember to recognize students for their good use of language Provide guided discovery for ss to reflect on observations.

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