If I were you...
Intermediate level

Main Aims
To provide clarification and practice of giving advice in the context of dilemma
Subsidiary Aims
Speaking: to provide fluency and accuracy
Procedure (37-49 minutes)
T posts pictures of NY, a sad girl, college campus, boyfriend pictures on the WB. Here the aim is to give a gist of the situation, She tries to elicit anwers from students and asks what they see in those pictures.
T. reveals the fact that the girl in the Picture is herself. The story that is told in the pictures is her problem. She asks the questions "What's the news here?" and "How do I feel about it?" Students are put in pairs and try to guess. T. listens to the quesses but doesn't confirm any of the answers. T. pretends to make a skype call to her friends in NY, Ren. They start talking to each other and the situation / dilemma is revealed in the first part of their dialogue.
T.asks Ss what advice is and how can a person give advice to another person. T. tries to elicit what forms Ss know about giving advice. T. writes the list of advices in the order of stronger to weak meaning of advice. After introducing the different forms of advice in meaning, she asks students what kind of advices can Ren give to Zeynep. They work in pairs. They guess the answers by using these new forms of advice.
Second stage of the dialogue (skype phone call) between Ren and Zeynep takes place. In this dialogue, Ren gives advice to Zeynep using the forms on board. After listening to the dialogue, T. puts students into pairs, gives them a HO Ex1 and asks students to discuss and try to remember the advice of Ren to Zeynep and write them down on HO. T. asks Ss which different forms are used in the different ways of giving advice. Elicit Verb 1 (base form) & V+ing. Make two columns on the w/b &get some of the phrases from tge Ss into the appropriate column underlining the verb forms in 2 different colours. Drill some of these for pronounciation --focusing on the difference between statements and questions.
T puts a jumbled sentence -ex3 no1- on the w/b & get the students to work out what it says. T gives them Ex3 & get them to work in pairs to reorder the sentences. Check the answers on w/b. Then get the students to discuss in pairs the question in Ex4. Take some write on w/b FB.
Preparation to Speak: T. divides the class in half-A&B, tells the Ss that half the class (A) has a problem and the other half (B) will give them some advice. T. tells Ss to they should read their role cards and check they know what their situations are and think about what they could say. Ss A has the role card from pg: 128, Ss B has role card from pg: 133. Ss work with Ss from the same group to read through their roles, check they are clear & think of things they could say. Speaking (Role Playing) Practice : T regroups to students into pairs A&B & get them explain their problems to each other & give some advice using the points from their role-cards. T monitors, take notes If time, students change roles with a new situation T gives Ss A role card from pg: 130 and Bs the card from p: 132 Ss read the cards quickly, explain their problems and give each other again. T. monitors for errors, take notes and give feedback