Juan Juan

Elementary level


Aims: To practice and revise past simple (‘be’ questions and short answers)


Main Aims

  • To provide review of Aims: To practice and revise past simple (‘be’ questions and short answers)
  • To provide review of Simple past in the context of Past event : birthday party

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about A description of an event in the context of Past event : birthday party


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T greets SS and asks them "how are you?" T introduces the topic " Today we are talking about past events" T instructs the SS “Look at the picture. What do you see?.” T instructs a S “please read the question" T copies and pastes the google forms link on the zoom chat instruct SS " please, open the zoom chat, open the link, " T instructs the SS “you are working in pairs for this activities, look at the picture and discus and predict with your partner 3 answers for the question, write them down in the google form and click submit. You have 2 mins for this activity" T askes CCQs, “ Do you have the link? is it open? do you see this? Are you writing the answer in your notebook or in the link, in the link" T separates the SS in break out rooms. When SS return, T elicits feedback from SS regarding the question. The T writes down possible answers on the Zoom chat.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T gets the SS attention and prompts a SS to read "please read the title and questions" T instructs the SS “For activity 1 read the text individually. Then send a private message to your partner and compare your answers. You have 2 minutes for this activity.” T askes CCQs, “Are you reading quickly for a general idea, or slowly for specific information? quickly for the general idea, Are you writing your answers in the private chat or in normal chat? in the private chat. Who are you writing the answer to? to my partner. T elicits feedback from SS regarding the text an praises. T instructs a S “read the title for activity 2 and the questions". T instructs the SS “Read the text individually and answer the questions in your notebook. you have 3 minutes.” T askes CCQs, “Are you writing the answers in the chat or in your notebook? In my notebook. How much time do you have to read and write the answers? 4 mins" T instructs the SS “Open the chat, open the link. Do you see this? Ok, Talk with your partner. and compare your answers. You have 2 minutes.” T sends students to the break-out rooms. T elicits feedback from SS regarding the questions.

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T read the question emphasizing was in the pronunciation " When WAS the party?" T prompts SS to answer the question, and praises. CCQ " was the party in the past, the present or the future? 1) in the past " CCQ " if the questions says WAS, what is that answer, Was or is ? Was" T read the question emphasizing were in the pronunciation " WERE the parents in the party?" T prompts SS to answer the question, and praises. CCQ " Were they in the party in the past, present or future? 1) in the past " CCQ " if the questions says WERE, what is that answer, WERE or are ? Were" T explains "normally the answer is the same as the question, but there is one exception." T prompts a S to read the question, and select a correct answer. T makes corrections and explains. For you we say were, but for I we say was."

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T instructs a S to "read the title, the question and give the answer." CCQ " is this in the past or in the present? the past T instructs a S to "read the question and give the answer." CCQ " Is this today or was this yesterday? this was yesterday. T instructs a S to "read the question and give the answer." CCQ " Was the boy in the party yesterday? no he wasn't, What is the negative of was? wasn't?" T instructs a S to "read the question and give the answer." CCQ " Is the party today or was the party yesterday? it was yesterday. T gets the SS attention and asks a S to " read the sentences for was vs were" T asks students to listen and repeat " I was, he was, she was, it was, you were, we were, they were." CCQ " Complete the sentence...I?, I was, You? You were, she? she was etc... T instructs the SS " Please read the title for activity 4 and read the example." T send a link in the chat" open the chat, open the link, do you see this?' T explains " Talk to your partner. Complete the sentences with one of the 4 options. You have to re-use some of the options more then once. Write down your answers in your notebook. You have 4 mins for this activity." ICQ " Are you writing in the notebook or in the chat? in the notebook." T send students to the BOR, then elicits feedback from SS regarding answers, checks and corrects. T tells a S to read the question and explains " Where were you yesterday? " T makes an exclamation on the yesterday showing it is ascending. T explains the sound of where and were connects.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T gets the Ss attention and says " Now we are doing Activity 5 " T prompts a S to " Read the title and the example." "You have to put the questions in the correct Gramatical Order." "This is an individual activity, write down the questions in the chat in a private message for me, you have 4 minutes to complete this activity." ICQ "is the question organize or disorganized? disorganize, Do you have to organize the questions? Yes, ICQ I will give you the answer and you give me the question. My name is Juan, what is the Question? what is your name? I am 30 years old, what is the question? How old are you? Are you writing the answers in the chat or in the notebook? in the private chat " T gets Ss attention a tells them to " talk to your class and compare your answers in the break out rooms. You have 2 mins to check your answers. T Gets Ss attention and nominates different Ss to give them the answer. corrects prompts students to read the answers, give feedback and give praise and corrections.

Free Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T gets the SS attention and says " now we are doing Activity 6 to practice the grammar" T prompts S to " read the instructions" T gets SS attentions copies the questions in the chat, tells SS "I will send you the questions in the chat" T explains " Here you have a list of questions in the past" " work in pairs and practice asking and answering questions " "write down your answers in your notebook" " you will have 4 mins for this activity" ICQ " how many questions are you asking? 5" "writing the sentences in your notebook or in the chat? in the notebook" T sends Ss to the break out rooms. T gets inters BOR of elderly SS gets their attentions and tell them " the questions are in the chat." T looks around the other rooms and takes notes. T writes down correct and incorrect answers and illicitness corrections from students. T praises students and confirms with improvised CCQ's T thanks students and ends the class.

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