Valeriya Lytvychenko Valeriya Lytvychenko

TP4 Listening for Gist and Detail
Pre-Intermediate level


The focus of this lesson will be on listening for gist and detail. The lesson will have 3 big stages: pre-, while- and post-listening. The lesson will start with a lead in in which Ss will be expected to look at two images with some key words from the audio about two experiences and predict the content of the listening. This pre-listening stage will continue with the MFP review of some key vocabulary from the audio. After that, during the while-listening stage, Ss will have listening for gist and detail practice. This will be followed by the post-listening stage that will include speaking practice related to the content of the audio. At the end, there will be an open class discussion and delayed error correction.


Abc Course Book

Main Aims

  • To provide listening practice for gist and detail
  • To review MFP of key vocabulary to facilitate students’ comprehension

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice for fluency development


Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T. will tell Ss. that in today's class they are going to hear two people, Ryu and Marta, telling a story about a recent experience. Before the actual listening, they will be expected to look at two images with some vocabulary on those. T. will use Google Slides to show the images. Based on that, Ss. will need to predict what each story is about.

Pre-Listening (10-10 minutes) • To cover MPF of key vocabulary to facilitate sdudents' listening comprehension

T. will use Google slides to show five key words from the listening: straw, stream, land, take off and stuck that are essential for the comprehension of the audio. Ss. will be expected to individually answer the questions about the meaning and form using the words from the box and then compare their answers in pairs via private messages on Zoom. T. will pay attention to the vowel pronunciation in the five key words and will ask Ss. to practice the pronunciation of the words with similar vowels.

While-Listening (Gist) (4-4 minutes) • To provide students with istening for gist practice

T. will instruct Ss. to listen to the audio for the first time and to focus only on the main points (the unexpected events discussed in the audio). T. will use Google Slides to show the two questions that Ss. are expected to answer individually and the key words from MFP that will be useful for them to talk about the main points. T. will elicit Ss' answers either asking volunteers or nominating some Ss.

While-Listening (Specific Information) (8-8 minutes) • To provide students with listening for detail practice

T. will share with Ss. the link to Google Forms that they will be expected to complete individually and will ask them to read the questions carefully before the second listening. This time, Ss. will be practising listening for detail. If necessary, T. can play the audio twice. Once Ss. are finished with the task, T. will ask them to compare their answers in pairs using private messages on Zoom. This will be followed by the open class discussion of the answers.

Post-Listening (13-13 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to expand on what they have already learned

T. will explain the task to Ss. They will be expected to tell a story about a time when they felt embarrassed or scared. First, Ss. will need to make notes to answer the guiding questions. • When did it happen? • Where were you? • What happened? • What were you doing when it happened? • How did you feel? • What happened in the end? T. will be available to clarify any possible doubts. After that, Ss. will be expected to share their stories in pairs/groups on Zoom, using breakout rooms function. T. will be monitoring the process.

Feedback (5-5 minutes) • To provide students with feedback on the completion of the task and language

T. asks Ss. what they have practised in today's class. T. makes a delayed error correction.

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