Rebecca Rebecca

Tp 7 Writing
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will analyse the different parts of a complaint letter and language used to express problems with a product. Students will produce a short email to complain about a product they recently bought


Main Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a email of complaint in the context of faulty product

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about email of complaint in the context of a problem with a product
  • To provide practice of phrases which express attitude and emotion in the context of email of complaint


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks Ss what is the last item they bought online. Ss will write it on the Zoom chatbox T will show Ss a picture of a TV that I have a problem with. T will ask Ss "what should I do about my problem?" and elicit suggestions from Ss. T will elicit answer "you should complain about the product in an email."

Exposure (9-11 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

Ss will read example text and answer gist question "what kind of reply do you think I will get?" (2 min) T will elicit answer from 1-2 Ss. (2 min) Ss will work individually to answer questions on Google Form about which sentence belongs in which paragraphs. (3min) Ss will check answers with each other (2min) T will conduct OCFB and ask Ss why the sentences belong there. T will highlight the form of the email- paragraph 1 describes the problem; paragraph 2 describes any attempts made to fix the problem, and feelings about the problem; paragraph 3 describes how the writer wants the problem to be solved. (2 min)

Useful Language (5-7 minutes) • To highlight useful language for coming productive tasks

T will share Google Doc with Ss and explain how to complete the task. Ss will write down useful phrases and sentences: (3 min) Common problems that products have; Words to describe emotion and attitudes, Phrases to express yourself T will do feedback and elicit examples from Ss(1-2 min) T will use CCQ to highlight expressing stronger emotion as needed: ie. "How do we make it more demanding?" "How do we make this sentence more formal?" (2 min)

Writing Task (15-15 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target writing skills

T will demonstrate how to write on the slides. T will assign slides to Ss to avoid confusion, and give an alternative if they have technical issues and can't write on the slide. (2 min) T will use ICQ to ensure understanding. Ss will individually use writing slides to write a short 3 paragraph email to complain about a product (13 min)

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To allow students to reviews each other's work and give peer feedback on writing task

T will screenshare Feedback Google Form with Ss and show how to review partner's work. Ss will be placed in groups of 2-3 to read and review each other's work. (6 min) If Ss finish early: T will ask 1 S to share their writing and T will do OCFB using the same feedback sheet.

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