John Al-Haddad John Al-Haddad

TP6 LP_John Al-Haddad
Pre-intermediate level


Abc Sarah Cunningham, New Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate Students’ Book (Longman Pearson, 2005)

Main Aims

  • To practice functional language related to making requests and asking permission in the context of real life encounters

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice using functional language related to making requests and asking for permission
  • To provide gist reading practice using a text about making requests or asking for permission in the context of real life encounters


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T opens up class by sharing screen with Jamboard 2. T gives instructions: "I want you to think about a time when you needed something from somebody. Maybe money or help. What did you say. Go to BoRs and talk for 2 minutes." 3. T creates breakout rooms, with 2-3 students per room. Sends Ss in breakout rooms. 4. T ends breakout rooms after 2 minutes and Ss return to main group 5. OCFB: T nominates a few Ss to share their thoughts for about 1-2 mins

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. T shares screen of Google Doc with the text work activity 2. T gives instructions (1 mins): "Ok, you have four texts and four possible titles. Read the texts and match them to the titles. You have 4 mins." 3. Feedback: T nominates a Ss to share answers. T quickly confirms.

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1. T draws Ss attention to underlined sentence as an example. T gives the instructions: "Look at this sentence. Read the text again and find a similar sentence in each text. You have 3 mins." 2. After 3 mins, T nominates a student to share a sentence each.

Clarification (6-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning and form of the target language

1. T shares screen of Google Slides 2. T goes through the slides: Slide 1: 1. Shows the four functional exponents from the text. T says: "Read these four questions. Decide which ones are making a request. Which ones are asking for permission? You have about one minute." 2. After Ss read the questions and answer, T says. "Ok, please write your answers in the chatbox." Slide 2: 1. T shows Ss the second slide. T says: "Ok, go to breakout rooms and talk about these three questions. You have three mins." 2. T sends Ss into BoRs. 3. After they return, quickly nominate students to go over answers. Slide 3: 1. T asks: "Look at the sentences. What comes after the blue section (exponent)?" Give them 10-15 secs. Nominate a Ss fo an answer (MOVE ONTO CP, IF TIME PERMITS/IF NECESSARY. IF NOT, SKIP.)

Controlled Practice (4-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. T shares screen of Google Form controlled practice activity 2. T gives instructions: "Ok, this is our next activity. Correct the sentences. Decide which one is a request and which is asking permission. For example.. (DEMO).." "Ok, now work alone for 3 minutes. 3. T sends Ss the Google Form and sends Ss into BoRs. 4. After 3 mins, T shares screen of Google Form. T nominates a student to share their answers and asks others to confirm.

Clarification (2-3 minutes) • To clarify the pronunciation of the target language

1. Show the sentences from Slide 4, T choral drills each sentence. Students repeat each sentence.

Free Practice (14-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. T shares screen of Google Slides, Slide 5 "Ok, now we are going to talk in pairs." 2. Slide 6, T gives instructions: "You are in a movie theater. Student A is in the movie theater. You need to call your friend but you forgot your phone. During the film, somebody is very loud and talking on their phone. Student B, someone wants to use your phone to call their friend. During the movie, you are speaking very loudly on your phone." 3. T assigns roles based off of BoR group pairings. "Listen for your group." T says: "You have 4 minutes to speak" 4. T creates breakout rooms, with 2 students per room (3, if necessary). Sends Ss into BoR. 5. T makes notes of what Ss are saying in each BoR 6. T ends breakout rooms after 4 minutes and Ss return to main group Repeat, steps 4-6. T says : "This time, switch roles. Student A is now Student B." 7. DEC (5 minutes): T shares whiteboard with a few examples of Ss mistakes and samples of good language; T writes them on board and has Ss discuss mistakes.

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