Cesar Becerra Cesar Becerra

Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be exposed to functional language to agree or disagree with someone (mostly in a polite manner). They will first listen to three native speaking discussing their opinions on a new environmental law. Then there will be a guided discovery task, form and pronunciation shall be covered in class, and both controlled and freer practice shall be offered.


Main Aims

  • For students to learn functional language used to agree or disagree as well as to have practice using it.

Subsidiary Aims

  • For students to gain some practice in their speaking skills


Rapport (1-2 minutes) • To build a friendly learning environment with the students

1. T asks questions about how well students are doing.

Lead in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T shows Ss two questions: "Which laws help the environment?" "Do you agree with these laws?" 2. Ss brainstorms and share their ideas with the entire group

Exposure (8-8 minutes) • For students to listen to the functional language in context.

1. T plays a recording of three native speakers discussing a new law. 2. Ss must listen and decide which speakers agree and which disagree with the new law. 3. T conducts OCFB for this question. 4. T plays the audio again. 5. This time, Ss must write any phrases they listen to that are used for agreeing or disagreeing. 6. OCFB

Clarification (4-4 minutes) • For students to get better aquainted with the functional language (TL) and to discover meaning and appropriacy

1. T shows the Guided Discovery Task on screen as he gives instructions. 2. Ss work on the GDT in pairs 3. T monitors

Feedback (2-2 minutes) • For students to verify if their answers were correct and to feel more confident about their knowledge

1. T elicits answers from Ss 2. If there is disagreement, T asks CCQs.

FP (5-5 minutes) • To clarify the form and pronunciation of the target language

1. T elicits from students some elements of form 2. T elicits the sentence stress from the students. 3. T drills the pronunciation with the entire class as well as individually

Controlled Practice (3-3 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. Ss work individually unscrambling scrambled phrases. 2. T monitors and shows himself available should students have questions.

Feedback (2-2 minutes) • For students to check if their answers are correct as well as to gain confidence

1. T elicits answers from Ss 2. If Ss answers differ, T helps clarify.

Free Practice (5-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. T shows Ss two questions they must discuss: "What is one law you agree with and one law you disagree with? Do you agree with your partners?" 2. Ss discuss 3. T monitors

Feedback (3-3 minutes) • For students to share their ideas with the entire class and to conclude the free practice task

1. T elicits from students what their partners said during the free practice task.

DEC (4-4 minutes) • For students to learn about their own mistakes and to get encouraged by highlighting good language

1. T shows Ss four sentences: two correct and two incorrect. 2. Ss must discuss which sentences are correct 3. The incorrect sentences are improved upon

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