Mike V Mike V

Grammar - Going To
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be exposed to the use of "going to". They will learn the negative, affirmative, and question forms within the context of making plans/arrangements.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of "going to" in the context of making plans.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in speaking in the context of making future plans.


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows slide (graphic) of various characters participating in activities. T describes how he makes plans for future events and asks the Ss if they ever make plans to go out. T elicits answers from the Ss.

Text Work - Gist (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

After the lead-in conversation regarding the use of "going to", T plays a short audio clip of a woman's plans for the coming weekend. T shows a slide with the corresponding transcript and gives Ss a copy. Ss are instructed to underline any instances in the paragraph of the use of "going to". T asks Ss if they would like to hear the audio a second time. When Ss are finished with the activity, answered are shared with the class. T asks CCQs to verify that the Ss understand the tense being used in the audio clip. "Did the speaker already work out" (No)", "Are they meeting up right now? (No)", Is she talking about the future? (Yes)". T thus makes sure students are aware prior to language clarification that "going to" refers to something in the future.

MFP / Clarification (11-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T shows Ss a timeline highlighting the position of "going to" and additionally, the present continuous. T goes over the meaning of "going to" along with example sentences. T shows Ss slide containing the affirmative, negative, and question forms of "going to" along with examples of each. T provides a gap-fill exercise to Ss to complete individually and later will send the Ss to B.O. rooms to peer check. Answers checked and corrected in open class feedback. T introduces the present continuous and highlights the differences between it and "going to". Sentence examples are given. For CCQs, T displays 8 sentences and asks the students to place them under the "going to" or present continuous headings. Ss are asked to justify their decision.

Controlled Practice (8-9 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shows Ss a Google Form containing a weekly schedule. Ss are instructed to complete the T upcoming schedule with sentences containing the "going to" form, and additionally complete their own. When they are complete they are to take a screenshot of their completed schedule and peer check in the B.O. room to make sure they are comfortable with the target language.

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T gives students 2 'discussion cards' which contain 10 "going to" sentences each. Ss are paired, with one student getting an 'A' card, and the second a 'B' card. Ss are to ask their partner at least 5 of the questions on the card, with their partner answering both verbally and in written form. They take turns answering the questions until time allows. After the activity T conducts open class feedback and error correction. If time allows, T picks 2 or 3 Ss to asks: Who did you talk to? Did you find anything interesting?

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