Maryem Chermiti Maryem Chermiti


Abc Project the picture of the talking woman and man
Abc project what's my name
Abc Audio 2.7
Abc Audio 2.8
Abc Board
Abc Project party picture
Abc Act.4 p.15
Abc act.6 p 15 SsBk
Abc act.5 p.15 Ssbk

Main Aims

  • To provide students with the practice in listening for gist and specific information in the context of getting to know people

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practise/consolidate language for asking and answering personal questions:Where are you from? I’m from...


Stage 1 (Lead-in) (3-5 minutes) • To set the context of What ? Why? and How?

-Ask the Ss what my name is, check if they remember it. If not elicit them to say it. - Ask the Ss where am I from , I will help them with the map of North Africa. -Why do we ask about people's names and nationalities?

Stage 2 (Pre-listening) (5-7 minutes) • To encourage students to predict / guess the content of the lesson

- Project the picture of the woman and man speaking. -encourage the students to guess their names or nationality. - Ask the students 'Are they friends? -tell the students to listen to the tape to decide if they are friends or not.

Stage 3 (listen and check if the answers were correct) (4-6 minutes) • to make students listen for gist

-Listen and decide if the woman and woman and man are friends or not. -check the answers in pairs. - Whole class feedback.

Stage 4 (pre-listen 2) (4-6 minutes) • to set the students in the context of the task of the second listening

-Write on the board the three sentences. -Nominate or chose a volunteer to read each of the sentences. -inform the students that they will listen to the same sound again and put the sentences in order of what they hear.

Stage 5 (listen and put in order) (5-7 minutes) • to practice listening for specific information

-Students listen and order the sentences as they hear them. -students move in pairs to compare their answers. -1 Student reading the sentences in the right order. -Teacher giving feedback. -other students repeat the sentences in the right order

Stage 6 (pre listening) (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for listening for specific detail

-write the first sentence of activity 4 p.15 with the gap -with the help of students, demonstrate how to fill in the gap -Show the students the other sentences. -Instruction : Listen to this new tape and fill the gaps

Stage 7 (Listen and fill the gaps) (5-7 minutes) • to encourage students to listen for specific details

-Play the tape -students write their answers -students check their answers in pairs -Wc feedback.

Stage 8 (listen and fill in the gaps) (3-5 minutes) • students practice their ability to listen and fill in the gapes

-Tell the students they will do like they did for activity 4 but with a new audio -point to activity 5 -play the record. -students check their answers together. -WC feedback

Stage 9 (controlled practice) (5-7 minutes) • to check the students' understanding of the lesson

-point to activity 6 -demonstrate the first sentence for students -ask them to do the rest in pairs -WC feedback.

Stage 9 (post listening tas) (5-7 minutes) • to develop oral fluency by a space for the students to practice what they've learnt

-project the party picture -elicit answers about the place , the people in the picture -ask students to work in pairs to make small dialogues and practice them. - ask all the students to stand up , mingle and practice with dialogues with their peers or even CELTA trainees. -T Gives feedback to whole class

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