Silvia Rojas Silvia Rojas

Pre Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice speaking for fluency in the context of holidays. This is an important skill to practice during class since it requires immediate interaction. In addition, speaking will allow students to share thoughts, opinions, and feelings in a communicative context which will resemble a real day-to-day situation.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of talking about your last holiday

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about bad experiences in the context of holiday


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will instruct the SS: Ok, so today we'll start our lesson working in small groups in BreakOut rooms. T shares screen (Slide 2) and instructs the SS: You'll have 2 minutes to speak about 3 things you like doing when you’re on holiday. T stops sharing screen. T asks and nominates 1 SS to answer: Are we working individually or in groups? (in groups) Do we have 2 or 20 minutes? (2 minutes) T creates BreakOut rooms, sets timer in 2 minutes. T monitors the rooms. T nominates 1 SS to share what was discussed in his/her BreakOut room.

Exposure (4-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T instructs SS: "Now, we're going to listen to Mia speaking about her last holiday. I want you to focus on 2 things." T shares screen and sound (slide 3). T continues: Where did Mia go? Did she enjoy her holiday? T asks: Do we have to do anything besides listening? (No, only focus on the questions) Ok, ready? T plays the Mia's audio. T instructs: Now, please check your answers with your peers in BreakOut rooms. You'll have 1 minute. T creates BreakOut rooms and sets timer in 1 minute. T monitors. T nominates 1 SS to answer Q1. T nominates 1 SS to answer Q2.

Highlighting (3-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T instructs: "Imagine that you’re Mia’s friend. How would you react to show interest?" T nominates 1 SS to read the first phrase: We went to a beautiful island. It was like being in paradise. T asks: How would you react? T nominates 1 SS to answer the question. T listens to SS. (Possible answers: Really? /Wow! / Fantastic!) T instructs: So now, take 30 seconds to think how would you react to the other 2 phrases. T instructs: Now, please share your answers with your peers via Private message. T let's SS know who's working with who. T nominates 1 SS to read and react to the second phrase. T nominates 1 SS to read and react to the third phrase.

Clarification (5-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T goes to slide 5 and instructs: So, now, take 30 seconds to answer individually exercises A and B. Which phrases are used to express reaction and which ones to ask for clarification? Are these phrases formal, informal or neutral? T asks: Are we working individually or in groups? (individually) How much time do we have? (30 seconds) T instructs: Now, please share your answers with your peers via Private chat. T nominates 1 SS to answer exercise 1A. T nominates 1 SS to answer exercise 2A. T nominates 1 SS to answer exercise B. T asks: "Now, analysing some of these phrases, how many syllables does "Really?" have? (Probably SS will answer 2) T explains: Listen, carefully "Re-al-ly" until SS answer "3 syllables" T asks: And which syllable is stressed? (Models to make the stress apparent) T models the question "Really?", instructs SS to repeat after, and nominates 2-3 SS to drill the question. T asks: "And now, how many words does "Oh no" have? (2) And how many syllables? (2) T asks: And which syllable is stressed? (Models to make the stress apparent) T models "Oh" and instructs SS to repeat after, then explains to repeat the same exact word adding a letter "n" at the beginning and models "Oh no". Nominates 2-3 SS to drill the phrase. T explains: "And now, how many words does "What happened?" have? (2) And how many syllables? (3) T asks: And which syllable is stressed? (Models to make the stress apparent) T models "What happened?" and asks the group to drill the phrase chorally. T nominates 2-3 SS to repeat the phrase.

Free Practice (24-25 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T shares screen (slide 6) T instructs SS: "Now, you'll work in small groups in BreakOut rooms. You'll have to speak with your classmates about the best holiday you’ve ever had or about a holiday that you didn’t enjoy. Tell as many details as you can. As you listen to your peers stories, try to react to them using some of the phrases we've studied today or others. You'll have 3 different groups and with each group you'll have 6 minutes to speak." T asks: So, are we working individually or in groups? How many different groups will you have? (3) T creates BreakOut rooms, set the timer (18 minutes) T monitors and makes notes for the final language feedback. T conducts the task feedback by nominating 3 SS to share something about their peers. T ends class with language feedback.

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