Lucas Lucas

Elementary level


In this lesson students read about Nelly's daily routine as a nurse. Students will also practice speaking about their own daily routines.


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Main Aims

  • • By the end of the lesson students will have been provided clarification and practice on there is and there are in the context of where they live.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To provide reading for details in the context of a home. • To allow Ss to practice conversational speaking practice using there is and there are in the context of a place near to their home.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To activate learners and activate their previous knowledge of the area

- T shows pictures and elicit ideas from the whole class: What do you see? How many? - T writes SS ideas on the slide/PowerPoint - T conducts OCFB

Pre-teach vocabulary (8-9 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible by covering MFP of key vocabulary to aid completion of tasks

Target vocabulary: yarn, knitting, wool, graffiti, yarn-bombing Set task/Instructions: Match the meaning, form and pronunciation • T: gives link to Google Jamboard with words and definitions and pictures. • Here is the link Learners need to match in pairs • T demo • T tells learners they have 3 minutes to do this • T monitor Jamboard pages • T conducts OCFB and highlight meaning, form and pronunciation Example: Yarn: CCQ: Do you use yarn to make a jumper? Yes Pronunciation: 1 syllable, yarn, /jɑːn/ Form: noun Knitting CCQ: Is knitting an activity? (Yes) Pronunciation: 2 syllables, knit-ting, /ˈnɪtɪŋ/ Form: noun Wool CCQ: Is it soft or hard? Soft Pronunciation: 1 syllable, wool /wʊl/ Form: noun Graffiti CCQ: Can it be simple words and/or elaborate wall paintings? Pronunciation: 3 syllables, graf-fi-ti, /ɡrəˈfiːti/ Form: noun Yarn-bombing CCQ: Is it meant to be beautiful? (Yes) Pronunciation: /ˈjɑːn bɒmɪŋ/ Form: noun • T pronounce each word and ask SS to repeat, twice

Reading for gist (6-7 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and initial familiarity with the passage.

Set task/Instructions: You will listen to a woman talking about yarn-bombing. You don’t need to listen for details – only for general/main ideas. ICQs Are we listening for much detail or just the /general main ideas? (Main idea) • T you will find the questions here (Google Form) Instructions: I’ll give you 1 minute to read the questions. Then, I’ll play the recording and you’ll answer while listening. Questions: What is the speaker discussing? What is the purpose of the passage? Which image is an example of the main idea of the passage? • T plays recording 4.7 (2.8 min) • SS listens individually • Ss compare answers in the chat (zoom) • T look at predictions and review as OCFB

Detailed Reading (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed tasks and deeper understanding of the passage

Set task: We will listen to passage a second time. • T you will find the questions here (Google Form) Instructions: I’ll give you 1 minutes to read the questions. Then, I’ll play the recording and you’ll answer while listening. • T demos (Q1) • T plays recording 4.7 (2.8 min) • SS answer individually • T asks SS if the need to listen a second time in the chat • T divides students into pairs to check their answers. T tell students they have 3 minutes. • T monitors the breakout rooms + reminds SS 1 minute left. • T brings SS back into the main room • T elicit answers and conduct OCFB (involve every pair)

Post-Reading / Speaking task (6-7 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond in a communicative task

• T shows an image Set tasks/Instructions: We are going to discuss yarn-bombing Would you consider it an act of vandalism or a form of street art? You have 1 minute to think about the answer. Instructions: Speak with a partner about your ideas. • Ss work in pairs and discuss • T monitors the breakout rooms + reminds SS 1 minute left. • T elicit SS opinions and conduct OCFB

Delayed Error Correction (4-5 minutes) • To provide SS with feedback on the completion of task and language

- T conduct OCFB - T writes on screen samples of SS production. Ask SS to identify the correct and incorrect sentences and correct the later ones. - T wraps up the lesson. - T thank SS for their time and hard work before saying good bye

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