John Al-Haddad John Al-Haddad

TP3 LP_John Al-Haddad
Elementary level


Abc Martin Parrott, Grammar for English Language Teachers (2010, Cambridge University Press)
Abc New English File, Elementary Student Book (2004, Oxford University Press)
Abc Face2Face, Elementary Student Book (2012, Cambridge University Press)

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of simple present using they, we, you, and I affirmative sentences in the context of typical daily activities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice with affirmative present simple verbs in the context of typical daily activities


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T opens up class by sharing screen with Jamboard 2. T gives instructions (1 min): T tells asks Ss "what do you do in a typical day?" T says "For example, in a typical day I study, play exercise, and cook dinner for my family." T tells Ss they have 2 mins to discuss ICQs: "What are we talking about?" Typical day 3. T creates breakout rooms, with 2-3 students per room. Sends Ss in breakout rooms. 4. T ends breakout rooms after 2 minutes and Ss return to main group 5. OCFB: T nominates a few Ss to share their thoughts for about 1-2 mins

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. T shares screen of Google Doc with the text work activity 2. T gives instructions (2 mins): T tells student they have 3 mins to read the text and choose all verbs in simple present. Draw Ss attention to underlined verbs as an example. ICQs: "Which verbs are we writing down?" Simple present; "How long is the activity?" 3 mins 3. Send Ss the Google Doc link 4. After 3 mins, draw Ss attention. 5. Have Ss share some of the verbs they found in the chat box. Give Ss about 2 mins.

Highlighting (2-3 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

1. After Ss share answers in the chat box, T shares screen Google Doc 2. OCFB (2-3 mins): T goes over text with the class. Nominates students to point out the verbs in the text.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1. T shares screen of MFP Google Slide 2. T goes through the slides: Slide 1: T reads sentence to Ss before showing the CCQs. Shows the CCQs then checks for meaning Slide 2: Shows Ss the timeline without showing the sentence. Having asked Ss CCQs, nominates one Ss to visualize the sentence on the timeline and another Ss to confirm. T then shows the sentence Slide 3: Shows Ss the proper from (subj + base verb + adverb) and shows them examples of sentence with all pronouns (I, you, we, they). Without showing the entire sentences, ask students what would happen if we switch "I" for "you" or "we." Slide 4: Shows Ss other examples of the sentence with different adverbs. T works on pronunciation and sentence stress with the various adverbs. T drills pronunciation with Ss.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. T shares screen of Google Form controlled practice activity 2. T gives instructions (1 min): Tell Ss to put the questions in the correct order. Demos the first questions so the Ss understand. Tells students they have 5 mins. ICQs: "What are we doing?" (Correct sentences) "How long do we have?" (5 minutes) 3. T sends Ss the Google Form 4. After 5 mins, T tells Ss that they will compare answers in BoRs for 2 mins. 5. T creates BoRs, with 2-3 Ss per room. Sends Ss into BoRs. 6. T ends breakout rooms after 2 minutes and Ss return to main group 7. OCFB: T nominates a few students to share their thoughts for about 1-2 mins. T asks Ss to confirm each other's answers.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. T shares screen of Google Jamboard 2. T gives instructions (2 mins) T tells Ss to imagine they are in America. They tell their new American friends about typical things they do in Mexico. T says "For example, in America we drink a lot of coffee and we watch American football on Sunday." T tells students they have 4 minutes to discuss in BoRs 3. T creates breakout rooms, with 2-3 students per room. Sends Ss into BoR. 4. T makes notes of what Ss are saying in each BoR 5. T ends breakout rooms after 4 minutes and Ss return to main group 6. OCFB: T nominates a few students to share their thoughts (1-2 mins) 7. DEC: T shares whiteboard with a few examples of Ss mistakes; writes them on board and has Ss correct (1-2 mins)

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