Dee Dee

TP 5 Speaking - Amnesty from prison
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, ss will practice speaking for accuracy and fluency in the context of amnesty for prisoners. First is the lead-in. The teacher shows a picture of a prisoner leaving prison. The students are asked to think for a moment what they think is happening in the photo. Ss are asked to write their ideas on a jam board. T asks Ss to quickly go over the ideas on the jamboard. Ss will be given a short reading about four people who went to prison to provide context to the lesson. They are the judge. To free or not to free?Why? Why not? Context is given by going through the first prisoner. Ss then discuss with Ss T introduces agreeing and disagreeing language, then the Ss spend 15 minutes using the language by talking to 3 different Ss, which strengthens their use and they can learn from one another. At the end there is a Feedback and error correction. T asks Ss for language feedback and to provide their opinions on the language on the board.


Abc Brainstorming Jam board

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in agreeing and disagreeing in the context of freeing prisoners early

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide lexis related to prisons and phrases to agree and disagree with someone in a conversation


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show a picture of a man leaving prison. (Page 1 Google Form) Ask the students to think for a minute about what is happening in the picture. Ask students to write their ideas on a jamboard together to quickly brainstorm ideas and also to have the Ss introduce potential useful language to help with the reading task. 1 minute Go over it quickly and give the language To free or not to free a prisoner from prison?

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

T asks Ss to read four short stories about individuals they may free from prison. Ss decide which one they would release and why. T says: X read number 1. S reads it. T - good, thanks I think she is guilty and must stay in prison or I think she committed a crime, but she can be released because she is not dangerous. Read the other three now. (2 minutes) (Set up break out rooms for pairs) Share your opinion to your partner. You have 5 minutes

Content preparation (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for the coming productive tasks

Before you shared your opinion. Now I want you to agree or disagree with your partner's opinion. Let's look at the board (Print the following on board) Strongly agree I totally agree Definitely Agree I guess so (I) I think you’re right (F) Unsure Maybe (F) I’m not sure about that (I) Disagree I see your point, but…(F) I understand, but…(F) Strongly disagree I don’t think so (I) We’ll have to agree to disagree (F) Present the difference in meaning Strong agree two thumbs up and smile Agree one thumb Unsure wave hand Disagree one thumb down Strongly disagree two thumbs down and grumpy face Appropriacy When we agree it can normally be formal or informal. When we disagree it changes. We have polite ways of disagreeing. "We'll have to agree to disagree" Pronunciation Ask Ss: When I agree, does my voice go up or down?Show on the board with the marker how the inflection goes up with agreeing, and down with disagreeing and slightly up when unsure. Form: mention these are set phrases

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice speaking and using the forms of agreement and disagreement

S-S x 3 Ss are given three partners to use the TL with so it becomes comfortable. Instructions: You are going to go into BO rooms and share your opinions. Use the new language to show if you agree or disagree - to release or not to release! S-S go in pairs into BO rooms and share their opinion with new language, T monitors the rooms and takes down examples of good language use and areas to improve. After 5 minutes, T moves Ss to new room to discuss with new partner. Repeat move one more time.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Feeback Put three examples on board of language heard Ask Ss if they think it is correct or if there is a better way to say it. Have them identify proper phrasing or provide if they are unable. If there is time left over, ask Ss to share a strong disagreement and strong agreement sentence

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