Karla M Karla M

TP4 Grammar
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn about Reported Speech, through guided discovery tasks: reading gist, CCQ's asked through T/F statements and pronunciation focused on weak sounds.


Abc Google document
Abc Google forms
Abc Google slides
Abc Powerpoint slide
Abc Zoom session
Abc Audio 5.24 ENGLISH FILE Students book

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of reported speech in the context of friend conversation over the phone
  • To provide practice of reported speech in the context of friend conversation over the phone

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review of reported speech in the context of Target sentences


Lead in (2-2 minutes) • Generate interest in the topic

Virtual class setting in a zoom session. Greet the class and introduce the subject by asking the question: Have you planned a weekend out with your friends? This question is to get the Ss familiar with the following activities planned for the class.

Gist task (5-7 minutes) • Introduction to the Target Language (grammar) through a conversation

Ss will read a conversation about 2 friends talking on the phone. On the second half of the conversation, there are 3 sentences written in reported speech. Ss will be asked to read the conversation and afterwards they will be asked to identify the Target Sentences through a google form. Share and/or discuss answers with their team or partner and share answers with the whole class

Meaning of Grammar (6-8 minutes) • Guide students to discover the meaning of reported speech

The google slide contains a table with the Target Sentences written in direct speech and reported speech as well as the verb tense they are written on. Also key words in bold, for Ss to notice the difference. Ss will be asked to answer T/F statements according to what they see in the described table above. These statements were the CCQ's written for this task. The Ss will be given time to work it indivually, in partners and finally share it with the class.

Form of Grammar (7-8 minutes) • Guide students to discover the form of reported speech

Since in the previous task, Ss were able to see the Target Sentences with key words marked. At this point they will have a general idea of the form of reported speech. They will be asked to place in order a sentence following the structure that will be placed at the top of the slide. Once this task is finished, they will listen to audio 5.24 from the ENGLISH FILE Students book which gives a sentence in direct speech and asks students to say it in reported speech.

Pronunciation of Grammar (5-7 minutes) • Guide students through the pronunciation of the sentences

In this pronunciation task students will focus on the weak sounds of the sentences. 3 Target Sentences were wriiten in IPA and marked in different color the weak sound. They will be asked to listen and repeat. Since all 3 sentence were recorded in British English for them to hear a native pronunciation.

Control Practice (6-8 minutes) • Group understanding of the activity

At this point Ss have had the oportunity to practice reported speech. So they will be given a list of sentences in direct speech for them to write out as reported speech. They will be given time to work individually, in teams and finally share with the whole class.

Freer Practice (5-7 minutes) • Group reaction to the subject

With the highest expectations that this task will work, since seems no easy task to engage Ss into reported speech. So they will see a slide where they will be asked to share an anecdote or a funny story with their friends (or any loved one)that they remember different than themselves. So the question is: "Whats the side of the story?" with the expectation fort hem to use reported speech statements

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