Silvia Rojas Silvia Rojas

Upper Intermediate (B2) level


In this lesson, focused on functional learning, SS will learn how to provide clarification and practice language used for agreeing and disagreeing politely. This is an important topic, since many SS want to learn English in order to expand their career/study opportunities. Therefore, they need to be able to express their ideas correctly taking into consideration the context and their audience.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for agreeing and disagreeing politely

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about language used for agreeing and disagreeing in the context of Meal time and food education/discipline at home
  • To provide clarification and practice of language used for agreeing and disagreeing in the context of parenting ideologies
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a final communicative task in the context of proper age to have a mobile phone.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will instruct the SS: Ok, so today we'll start our lesson working in small groups in BreakOut rooms. T shares screen (Slide 2) and instructs the SS: Take a good look at this photo, take a screenshot if you need. You'll have 2 minutes to discuss: Where are they? Are they related? What are they talking about? T stops sharing screen. T asks and nominates 1 SS to answer: Are we working individually or in groups? (in groups) Do we have 2 or 20 minutes? (2 minutes) T creates BreakOut rooms, sets timer in 2 minutes. T monitors the rooms. T nominates 1 SS to share what was discussed in his/her BreakOut room.

Exposure (4-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T explains: Now, we're going to watch a video where you'll be able to check your predictions. I want you to focus on the main ideas that each person in the video supports. T checks understanding: Are we doing anything else besides watching the video? (No) What are we focusing on? (the main ideas that each person supports) T shares screen and audio. T plays the video.

Highlighting (4-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T shares screen and instructs: Ok, now, you'll have 1 minute to answer the following questions about the video. For example: Who seems worried about how much his/her child has eaten? T lets SS answer: Colin. T says: Now, you'll have to choose the correct answer for the other 4 questions. Please don't submit your form but leave it open for further discussion. T stops sharing screen. T checks understanding: Are we doing this individually or in pairs? (individually) How much time do you have? (1 minute) T instructs: Now, you'll have one more minute to discuss your answers with your classmates in BreakOut rooms. T creates BreakOut rooms, sets timer. T monitors the rooms. T nominates 1 SS to answer Q2, Q3, Q4 and Q5.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T explains: So, let's focus on some phrases taken from the video. T shares screen and explains: Take a look at these phrases and decide if they are used to agree or to disagree. For example: (nominate 1 SS) _____, could you please read phrase number zero? (I don't know about that.) Is this used to agree or to disagree? (Let's SS answer or nominates) (Disagree) You'll have 1 minute to do the same for the rest of the phrases. T checks: What do we have to decide with these phrases? (If they are used to agree or disagree) How much time do you have? (1 minute) T instructs: Now, please check your answers with your classmates in BreakOut rooms. You'll have 1 minute. T creates BreakOut rooms and sets timer (1 minute) T nominates 1 SS to answer for all 9 phrases. T says: Now, let me ask you questions. Do you think that Colin, Val and Amanda like each other? (Maybe, I don't know, Doesn't say, Yes) Do they agree on everything? (No) But do you think that they respect each other's ideas? (Yes) T shares screen: These are some of the phrases all the three of them use in the video. Do you think they express themselves politely? (Yes) T goes to slide number 6, nominates 1 SS to read the example: I see what you mean. T asks: Are we agreeing or disagreeing in this phrase? (Agreeing) T uncovers the rest of the phrase and nominates 1 SS to read it: I see what you mean, but I think it's much better to let them eat when they want. T asks: And now? Are we agreeing or disagreeing? (Disagreeing) T explains: Ok, so here we have a very useful tip. We often follow an agreement phrase with ”but” to challenge the other person's opinion. T asks: Can you think of any other examples? T nominates 2-4 SS to answer and finishes by uncovering other examples. T explains that intonation may change the meaning of the same phrase. T asks 1 SS to read the first dialogue. (We were robbed! Really? Do you think so?) T asks: How do you think we would ask "Do you think so?" in a sarcastic way? T nominates 1 SS to answer. T plays the short video with the phrase being said sarcastically. T nominates 2 SS to say the phrase. T asks 1 SS to read the second dialogue. T asks: How do you think we would ask "Do you think so? in this case? T nominates 1 SS to answer. T plays the short video with the phrase being said with happiness/excitement. T nominates 2 SS to say the phrase.

Controlled Practice (8-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shares screen and explains: Ok, now we're going to have to choose amongst some of the phrases we've just studied the correct answer to complete the following dialogues. For example (T nominates 1 SS to read the Demo questions) T asks SS: Which would be the correct choice? T gives the students a moment to read and choose. (I don't know about that. That's a good point). T instructs SS: You'll have 3 minutes to solve the other 4 questions individually. Don't submit your form but leave it open for further discussion. T asks: So, do we have more than one correct answer for each question? (No) Are we solving this in pairs? (No, individually) T instructs: Now, you'll have 2 minutes to compare your answers in BreakOut rooms. T creates BreakOut rooms and sets timer (2 minutes). T monitors the rooms. T nominates 1 SS to answer Q1,2, 3 and 4.

Free Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T instructs: For your final task, you'll have 5 minutes to speak with your peers in BreakOut rooms in order to discuss: Children under ten shouldn't be allowed to have mobiles. Do you agree or disagree? Please take a screenshot. T checks: Are we working individually? (No) How much time do you have? (5 minutes) T creates BreakOut rooms, sets timer (5 minutes). T monitors rooms and makes notes for delayed error correction and feedback. T asks 1 SS to share what was discussed in the room. T shares any phrases that could be rephrased or corrected with the SS and asks them to help "fix them". T thanks the SS.

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