Cait Cait

Elementary level


Abc New Cutting Edge Elementary Students' Book

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of adjectives in the context of nationalities: French, Korean, Mexican, American, British, Chinese, Japanese, Italian.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Learners will have also practiced their fluency for speaking in the post-task discussion in the context of interests in things from other countries.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in the topic of countries

-T asks Ss: What country do you want to visit? -T gives a model, asks ICQs, and scaffolds by allowing learners 1 min. to think and take notes. -T sends Ss to 2-minute breakout rooms (BORs) in pairs. -T conducts OCFB by nominating learners and adding answers to the Slide.

Text Work: Gist Task (5-7 minutes) • To provide initial context for the target language through a conversation about things from different countries

-T gives link to Forms with conversation about music / food. -Instructions: Read the conversation. Then answer the questions. -DEMO: T demos the task or asks ICQs: clarify question 1 has TWO answers, question 2 has ONE answer. -Learners read and answer individually. (2 min.) -Check answers in pairs. (2 min.) -T conducts OCFB by nominating learners.

MFP (11-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language to aid completion of the tasks

Meaning (3 min): -T gives link to Jamboard with country flags and adjectives. As a class, learners need to move the adjectives to make matches with the flags. -Instructions: What kind of flag is it? MATCH the post-it. Everyone move 2 post-its. Class/ 1 min. (**In 2 small groups if +4 learners: 2 Jamboards prepared) -DEMO: T demos the task or asks ICQs. -T monitors the task. -T conducts OCFB by showing answer key. Ask additional CCQ: Do these words describe the flag's color or country? (Country). Form (3 min): -T shows excerpt from text with bold adjectives (TL) and underlined nouns. Elicits form from learners by asking CCQs. Learners have 30 seconds to think before dropping an answer in the chat: 1) Do they discuss actions (1) or people, places, and things (2)? -> 2 2) Are the bold words adjectives? -> Yes 3) Is the adjective before or after the noun? -> Before 4) Can the adjective be plural? -> No Pronunciation (6 min): -T repeats each word 2-3 times. Learners need to identify how many syllables in each word, first alone and then in pairs. -Instructions: How many syllables? WRITE it down by yourself. / Now, check with a friend (2 min. in BORs) -DEMO: T gives visual support and asks ICQs. -T monitors the task (BOR stage). -T conducts OCFB by showing answer key. Focus on pronunciation of difficult lexis (e.g. Italian). -T repeats words once more for learners to individually mark stress. T conducts OCFB by showing answer key (2 min. total)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice, with a focus on accuracy

-T gives link to Forms with sentences that are missing words. For each sentence, learners need to fill the blanks with the name of the country and its adjective. -Instructions: Write the COUNTRY NAME and the ADJECTIVE. Individual / 5 min. -DEMO: T demos the task or asks ICQs. -Learners check answers in pairs (2 min). T monitors. -T conducts OCFB: uses answer key and clarifies only problematic items.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language and build fluency in a communicative, personalized task

- T scaffolds the task by allowing learners 2 min to think about their answers and make some notes. -> T encourages lexis use. - Instructions: Discuss your ideas. - DEMO: T demos the task or asks ICQs. Emphasize use of the TL. 1) Which country’s food do you like? 2) Which country’s music do you like? 3) Which country’s movies do you like? 4) Do you have friends from other countries? -Learners work in pairs and discuss. (6 min.) -T monitors and takes notes for OCFB (slide 21).

Feedback and DEC (3-5 minutes) • To provide learners with feedback on the completion of the task and language

- T conducts OCFB to ask learners about what they like: one pointed question per student. - T writes on the screen samples of learners’ production (slide 21: fill in with good/ bad examples and then screenshare). - T conducts OCFB: fix any incorrect sentences together, with elicitation from students.

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