Flávia Flávia

TP5 - Speaking (Agreeing and Disagreeing)
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson students discuss some topics using expressions for agreeing and disagreeing politely. The lesson starts with a Youtube video about fake news to engage students in the topic of the lesson (discussing questions in pairs and agreeing or disagreeing). After the video they give their opinion about fake news in pairs. After that, the target language is presented with a guided-discovery approach. Students work in pairs to negotiate meaning and appropriacy. Then, teacher works on pronunciation. To work on speaking for fluency, students are given 3 different topics to discuss in pairs and use the target language. Finally, teacher conducts OCFB and DEC.


Abc slides of jamboard https://jamboard.google.com/d/1wcP-u_SQqnE1tu1tQrqPI_5rq8GI_dfWzp3rbgx1TXU/edit?u
Abc Preparation https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UIETKe6MB93OaR18t-_Mhhw_553DSFjZD85ZRC1PC2s/edit?usp
Abc YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIv9054dBBI&feature=youtu.be

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of speaking for fluency in the context of agreeing and disagreeing.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to develop their listening skills for gist in a video about fake news.
  • To enable students to develop their speaking skills of taking turns in conversation in a discussion in the context of agreeing and disagreeing.


Lead-in (0-7 minutes) • to engage learners and activate their previous knowledge of the topic (agreeing and disagreeing)

• T shows a snippet of a Youtube video about fake news to engage Ss in a discussion about this topic and to set the context of the lesson (agreeing and disagreeing). Video up to 1:44 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIv9054dBBI&feature=youtu.be • T shows slide 1 with the question ‘What do you think can be done to stop the spread of fake news?’ for Ss to discuss in pairs. • Instructions: Discuss this question in pairs. You have 3 minutes. • T puts Ss in breakout rooms. • After Ss have worked in pairs T conducts OCFB and nominates some Ss to share their ideas.

Preparation (0-8 minutes) • To present the target language to be used in the speaking practice

• T shows slide 2 and tells Ss they are going to work in pairs to fill in the gaps with the missing words and decide if the sentences are ways of agreeing or disagreeing. Ss work on meaning together in a guided-discovery approach. Working in pairs is also a way of providing peer-scaffolding. • T does letter ‘a’ as an example and sets the task. • Script: When we discuss something with someone we usually agree or disagree with the person. Here we have some sentences we can use to agree or disagree. Look at letter ‘a’. Which word can we use to complete it? Really. Is it a way of agreeing or disagreeing? Disagreeing. So, write letter D. • T sends the link to the Google doc in the chat box. • Instructions: Open the Google document and work on the other sentences in pairs. You have 4 minutes. • T puts Ss in breakout rooms. • T then conducts OCFB, elicits the answers and works on pronunciation. • After eliciting the answers, T shows other ways of expressing agreeing or disagreeing Ss studied in the previous lessons and asks about the difference in formality. • Script: T shows 4 expressions for agreeing and disagreeing in an informal way and asks Ss: Are these expressions formal or informal? Informal. And the ones in the activity? Formal. • T shows slide 3 with a tip. T asks one student to read it and elicits more examples from Ss. • After Ss have worked on meaning and appropriacy T shows slide 4 to work on pronunciation. (There is no need to work on form in this lesson since Ss are learning fixed expressions to agree or disagree). • T reads a sentence, elicits from Ss where the stress is and drills pronunciation.

Speaking (0-20 minutes) • To provide speaking for fluency and allow students to give their personal opinion on different topics using the target language

• T shows slide 6 with the first topic for Ss to talk about (tattoos). • Script: Can you read this quote, St A? • Instructions: What’s your opinion about tattoos? Discuss this question in pairs. Remember to use the polite expressions for agreeing and disagreeing. You have 6 minutes. • ICQs: Do you have to agree with everything your friend says or should you express your own opinion, St A? Express our own opinion. If you disagree with your friend, should you argue with him/her or should you use the polite expressions for disagreeing, St B? Use the polite expressions. • T shows slide 7 with the second topic for Ss to talk about (veganism). • T sends Ss to breakout rooms with a different peer. • Instructions: Now you are going to give your opinion about veganism. Remember to agree and disagree politely. You have 6 minutes. • ICQS: When you are discussing something with a friend should you answer with only yes or no or should you ask follow-up questions to keep the conversation going, St A? Ask follow-up questions. • T shows slide 8 with the third topic for Ss to talk about (social media). • Script: Can you give me examples of social media? • Instructions: What’s your opinion about social media? Discuss in pairs. You have 6 minutes. • T sends Ss to breakout rooms to work with a different peer. • T monitors Ss performance throughout the stage.

Delayed correction / Feedback (0-10 minutes) • To provide learners with feedback on the completion of the task and language

• T writes some examples of language produced by Ss on the board. Ss have to say which ones are correct and which ones are wrong and correct the wrong ones. • Ss do the task in pairs in breakout rooms (5 minutes) • Instructions: Which sentences are correct? Which sentences are wrong? Correct the wrong ones. You have 5 minutes. • T conducts OCFB and DEC.

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