Francesca Silvano Francesca Silvano

TP4 Lesson_Silvano
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will explore phrases used to make suggestions formally and informally in the context of social events and nightlife.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of language used for making suggestions in the context of social events and nightlife

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in order to make suggestions in the context of social events and nightlife


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T introduces the topic: “Today we will practice making suggestions. We will focus on both formal and informal phrases". T shares Google presentation link in the Zoom chat and makes sure all Ss can open the presentation. T shares the screen, then continues. “Before we begin, I would like you to think about happy times with friends, social events and nights-out. So in your breakout-rooms, please share a memory by answering the following questions: - When did you last go out with friends? - Where did you go and whose idea was it to go there? - Did you enjoy yourself? Why/Why not? You have 4 minutes in your groups before we return to the whole class. ICQs: Are you going to be writing or speaking? How much time do you have?” T will send Ss to breakout rooms, so they can have a brief conversation to discuss the questions. Ss return to main room. T nominates students to share answers the questions during OCFB.

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T instructs Ss to move on to the next slide of the presentation. Then shares the screen. “You will now listen to a phone conversation between Ben and Penny. As you are listening, focus on the suggestions made, and answer the following questions: - What does Ben suggest Penny to do? - Does Penny agree to the plan? Why? - What does Ben suggest next? - Does Penny agree to that plan? Why? - What else does Ben suggest? - Does Penny agree to that suggestion? You can answer the questions on the Google Form provided, or you can take note of them. You have 6 minutes for this task". T plays the audio file and gives Ss the necessary time to complete the task.

Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

After the initial listening/individual work, T will send Ss to breakout rooms, so they can collaboratively review the answers to the questions. “I will now put you in breakout rooms so you can discuss your answers before we return to the whole class. You have 3 minutes. ICQ: How much time do you have?” Ss return to the main room and T nominates Ss to provide answers to the questions. An answer key will then be provided.

Clarification (4-5 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, appropriacy and pronunciation of the target language

T shares the screen to clarify meaning, appropriacy and pronunciation/intonation of the phrases used to make suggestions- formal and informal (please see language analysis sheet). “Now let’s break down the meaning, the appropriacy and the intonation of a few phrases we can use to make suggestions- formal and informal.

Controlled Practice (10-11 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shares the screen and continues. “You will now complete the script below for an upcoming movie scene. Be sure to use the following phrases for making suggestions: - Are you up to…? - Do you feel like…? - Would you mind…? - Do you fancy…? Take note of your answers by hand or on your computer. You have 6 minutes. ICQs: How to you take notes of your answers? How much time do you have?” After the individual work, T will send Ss to breakout rooms, so they can review their answers. “Now I’m going to put you in breakout groups to review your answers with your group. You have 3 minutes. ICQ: How much time do you have?" T puts them in breakout groups, monitoring closely and taking notes on any areas of confusion in MAP and within the context. Ss return to the main room. T nominates students to review answers during OCFB. An answer key will then be provided.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T shares screen with the last slide of the Google Presentation. Then continues. "In your breakout rooms, use the following phrases for making suggestions to propose a plan for a night out to your partner. - Are you up to…? - Do you feel like…? - Would you mind…? - Do you fancy…? Role-play the conversation, then switch roles. When you are the “invited” person, give your partner a hard time. Let’s make it fun! You have 5 minutes. ICQs: Are you going to write or just speak? How much time do you have?” Ss return to the main room. T nominates students to act out their conversations during OCFB. DEC: T corrects any errors. T thanks Ss for their time and hard work, and says goodbye.

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