Kim Kim

TP - 6, Writing, in the context of creating an email to a new friend
Elementary level


In this lesson, learners will be introduced to the layout of an email and the language utilized in an email, in which they introduce themselves to a new friend. In addition, learners will complete Guided Discovery tasks, These Guided Discovery Tasks will allow them to put what they have learned into practice and solidify their deep processing regarding the layout of an email and the language utilized in an email to a new friend. Learners will then write their own emails to a new friend, utilizing the language that they have learned. Once the learners have completed writing their emails, learners will conduct a Peer Check of each others' emails, utilizing a provided checklist, which will ensure that the written emails have the correct layout and sentence structure.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a short email introducing themselves to a new friend. (4-6 sentences)

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of utilizing the word "because" in the context of sentences that the learners write, which serve to introduce themselves to a new friend.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher will welcome learners. Teacher will tell learners "Think about this question and then I will ask you your answer." Teacher will state the question: "Who do you email?" Examples of answers: my brother, my sister, my boss, my friend, my cousin.

Exposure of Layout (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming task of writing an email, introducing oneself to a new friend, through reading an example email.

Learners will be provided the following example of a informal email in which the writer is introducing themselves to a new friend. First, the teacher will set the task by saying "Read these questions." Learners will be given 2 minutes to read the questions. Who is this email to? The email is to _______ (Joe or Kim). What is the subject of this email? The subject of the email is ________ (A meeting or Saying Hi). What is the opening word in this email?" The opening word of this email is _______ (Talk soon or Hi) Whose name follows the opening word? _______'s name follows the opening word. He is getting the email. How many sentences are in the body of this email? There are _____ sentences in the body of the email. What are the closing words in this email? The closing words in the email are ______ (Hi or Talk soon) Whose name follows the closing word? _______'s (joe or Kim) name follows the closing word. She is sending the email. Teacher will say: "Read this example email and be ready to answer these questions." Learners will be given 2 minutes to read the email. Teacher will say "I will ask you a question at a time. Think of your answer." Teacher will say "Here is an example" and show choosing between the names in parentheses. Teacher will ask each question. Teacher will give wait time and then nominate a student to answer. Teacher will say "Next question" and ask the next question. This will continue until all questions have been asked and answered. Teacher will review answers and give specific praise to students. The questions and email will presented on a Google Slides.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Teacher will say: "You will write an informal email, introducing yourself to a new friend." "We will review first." Teacher will present these sentence stems. Learners will tell the teacher the topic (MEANING) of each stem. "I will ask you the topic of each sentence". "Here is an example: What is the topic of this sentence?" I like to visit ______ on holidays. Topic:___________. Teacher will say: "What is the topic of this sentence? I work at ___________, as a _____________. What is the topic of this sentence? I _____ my job because __________________. What is the topic of this sentence? My hobbies are ______,_________, and ________. What is the topic of this sentence? My most favorite hobby is ________ because _________. What is the topic of this sentence? I live with _______, who is my ________, and _________ ,who is my ________. Topics: family, work, hobbies, vacations. Learners will be presented with words/phrases for the subject, the opening word(s), the closing word(s) to use in their emails and sentence stems. Learners will be asked to identify which words/phrases are informal. Teacher will present the words/phrases for each part of the email, one at a time and for each part will ask which words are informal, used with friends, family, (APPROPRIACY) Teacher will show an example. Teacher will say "Here is an example. Example: Here are some words/phrases: How are you? What's up? How're things? In chat box, you write: What's up? How're things? Teacher will say: "Here are Subject words/phrases: About me, Hey, My introduction of myself" "Write the 2 informal words/phrases in the chat box." Teacher will show an example. "Here are Opening word choices: Hi, Hey, Hello, Greetings" "Write the 2 informal words/phrases in the chat box." "Here are Closing word choices: Best Regards, Talk soon, Sincerely, See you" "Write the 2 informal words/phrases in the chat box." ICQ: Teacher will ask "Will you use the formal or informal words in your email?" "Write your answer in the chat box." (formal or informal) PRONUNCIATION: After the teachers models, learners will Chorally Repeat and Individually Repeat these sentences. I work at a school, as a Psychology Instructor. My favorite hobby is running because it makes me feel alive. FORM: Teacher will ask "What tense are we using in these sentences? Present Simple or Past Simple? The words/phrases, questions, and sentence stems will be presented on a Google Slide.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice the target productive skill of writing an email, introducing themselves to a to a new friend.

Learners will write an email, introducing themselves to a to a new friend. The learners are given a template to use.The learners will use the subject words/phrases, the opening words/phrases, the sentence stems, the closing words/phrases provided to them in the useful Language Stage.Learners will also have the option to create their own sentence. Teacher will say "Now write your own email, introducing yourself to a new friend. You write on the lines. Here is an example: My name is ___Kim___. The last sentence is empty you write by yourself. _______________________. Here are is an example: Examples: ___I love Thai food.____ You write on the slide with your name. Here is the link to the Slides: Go to the Slide to work on it. You have 10 minutes. "I will now send you to breakout rooms. Say hello to your partner. Help each other finish. Use this checklist to check that your partner's email is correct. You have 7 minutes. Example: To__Joegiantonio@gmail.com__ check mark. To Informal Subject Informal Opening word/phrase All lines are written. Closing word/phrase Correct spelling All of the above is presented on the shared Google Slides.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Learners will use a provided checklist to Peer Check each other's emails and give each other Feedback. Teacher will say "You now are going to go to breakout rooms with a partner to help each other." You will use this Check-list to put an X on the correct items in the email. Example: To: name of a person - X Informal Subject Word/Phrase was used. - X Or you will put a O if the item is not correct . Example: Informal Opening Word/Phrase was used. - O Teacher says "in the breakout rooms" read your partner's email and complete the checklist. Your partner will read your email and fill out the your checklist Teacher will acknowledge learners contributions. Teacher will provide DEC as is needed.

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