Abdulsalam Abdulsalam

Should I stay: Giving advices lesson-Using should lesson
Pre-intermediate level level


In this lesson, Ss will learn how to use Should in the context of giving advice. The lesson will start with a listening part, in which students have to listen to some people calling a radio program seeking some pieces of advice to their problems. Finally, the students will have a semi-controlled practice and then free speaking practice to use should perfectly as they have learned.


Abc English file, 4th edition Pre-intermediate level by Christina Latham-Koenig and CliveOxenden
Abc Pictures
Abc PPt slides
Abc Soundtracks of the book

Main Aims

  • For the students to practice and improve their listening skill in the context of giving advices with should.

Subsidiary Aims

  • For the students to practice speaking using should to give peices of advice.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T displays (slide1) showing a man who has a problem with his car and needs advice. -T asks Ss to think of some pieces of advice to give the man. -T tries to elicit as many pieces of advice as possible from the Ss. -T displays another man giving advice to the first (as an example).

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through listening

-T displays (slide2) containing some pieces of advice to a certain problem of someone. -T gives some time to the Ss to read individually, then sends the Ss to breakout rooms to discuss in pairs/groups. -Ss discuss and try to guess what the problem is, as T monitors them subtly. -T closes the breakout rooms and asks the Ss what they think the problem is. -Ss try to express what the problem is, as T listens to them.

Pre-teach Vocabulary (2-4 minutes) • To maintain the listening pace of the students.

-T introduces new words using images. -T displays (slide3) showing a picture. T asks the Ss what they think it is. T tries to elicit the answer. T shows Ss the new word using a sentence. T drills the word and then shows them where the stress is. -T displays (slide4). T does the same as above.

Listening part1 (4-7 minutes) • For students to practice gist listening in the context of giving advice using should and shouldn't.

-T displays (slide5) containing a listening exercise (4-b page 63)/ questions to help the Ss listen carefully. T explains that Ss will listen to 3 different people, each at a time, who are calling for advice from an expert. -T tells the Ss to grab a piece of paper and listen carefully to the listening exercises. -T confirms that Ss understood the instruction s/he gave by re-asking them. -T plays the soundtrack,Ss listen and take notes. -T asks the Ss if they understood well. T makes sure of that by asking the written questions they ought to answer. -T displays (slide6) containing 3 pieces of valid advice. Ss need to pick what they think is best for solving the problem. T listens to the Ss and then agree with the best Ss' answer.

Listening part2 (3-4 minutes) • For Ss to practice listening for details skills in the context of giving advice with should and shouldn't..

-T displays (slide7) containing the following listening exercise(4-e page 63) about the 2nd caller. -T tells the Ss to listen carefully and take notes. -T plays the soundtrack and Ss take notes. -T asks Ss some questions to make sure the Ss listened and understood well. -Ss choose the most suitable advice for the given problem. -T plays the other sound so Ss know if they answered correctly.

Listening part3 (4-5 minutes) • To provide more opportunities for students to improve their listening skills in the context of giving advice using should/shouldn't.

-T displays (slide8) containing 3 different advice suggestions for the third caller(Jane). -T tells the students to listen carefully and take notes. T plays the soundtrack, Ss take notes, then T starts asking questions to make sure the Ss understood the listening well. -T gives some time for Ss to choose the best advice in pairs/groups in breakout rooms. -Ss start telling T what they think is the best advice for the last caller.Then T displays the right answer.

Productive Task(s) (7-10 minutes) • For students to practice speaking in the context of giving advice using should and shouldn't,

-T displays (slide9) containing the idea of practicing the free practice stage. -T explains that S1 will pretend to have a problem and S2 will try to give him some pieces of advice. Then they swap roles. -Ss do this in breakout rooms as T monitors them in case they have some trouble. -S1 tells T about their partner's problem and S2 tells him about what their partners advised them to do.

Flexi-stage (jeopardy game (5-10 minutes) • For students to entertainingly practice speaking using should / shouldn't in the context of advice.

-T displays the Jeopardy game. -T splits the students into two groups , Team1 and Team2. -T explains the rules of the game to Ss. -Ss try to use what they have learned.

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