Karla M Karla M

TP3 Lexis
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson students will learn (or acknowledge) the verb form of gerund through guided discovery tasks, controlled and freer practice


Abc Zoom session
Abc Google jamboard
Abc Google forms
Abc Google document
Abc Google slides
Abc Powerpoint slide

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for language used for the use of gerunds in the context of what you like doing and brings happiness

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for don't mind doing, like doing, love doing, thinking of doing in the context of gerunds


Lead in (3-4 minutes) • generate interest in the topic

The class is in a virtual setting, in the Zoom platform. Greet the group. Talk about the idea we all had about what would we be when we grew up (This, so they can think about what they loved when they were kids, and getting mind set with the TL). Simultaneously share thru the screen a google jamboard where they will see the question and some images that may help them set up in context. Have them think about the question, elicit answers and have Ss post them on the google jamboard through sticky notes

Gist task (3-5 minutes) • Introduction to the Target Language through images

T will share through the screen a google jamboard with 4 images and the question "How do they feel about their job?" Since the question itself may be ambiguous, T will provide the first answer: "He is thinking about doing his job". and let them figure out the rest. Since this is an introductory task, they will be addressed inmediately to teams before giving them time to do some independent work.

Conversation and activity for general idea (6-8 minutes) • Get the overall idea of the conversation

T will share the link to a google document where there is a conversation about 2 people who meet on the street and talk about what they have been up to and doing what they like. Ss will be given time to skim read the conversation. Afterwards, they will be looking at a jamboard where they will be asked to think about something: they like doing, they don't mind doing, they love doing and they are thinking about doing. The will be asked to share their answers with a partner or team (by working a couple of minutes in breakout rooms) and finally share some of the responses with the whole class.

Meaning of Lexis (3-4 minutes) • Guide students to discover the meaning of gerunds

T will share through the screen (and the link through the chat) a google slide where they will see a cline on the top, scaling the TL and mix-match columns with definitions and TL. T will explain shortly the meaning of the cline so that students may be guided to match concept and TL.

Form of Lexis (4-5 minutes) • Guide students to discover the form of gerunds

T will share through the screen (and link through chat) google form. Where Ss will find a small text, highlighted phrases and 3 questions to answer based on the form of what they read. They will be asked to review it on their own for a few minutes, work in pairs or teams aftewards to compare answers and finally share responses to the whole class. To ensure understanding of the form T will ask CCQs (described in TLA sheet)

Pronunciation of Lexis (2-3 minutes) • Guide students through of gerund examples

T will share a Ppt slide with the TL showing the stress on each phrase, for Modeling and Repeating

Control Practice (7-8 minutes) • Group understanding of the activity

T will share through the screen a google slide where they will see an exercise that requires them to choose the most suitable verb for each sentence and also write it with -ing ending (gerund). The link will be shared only for them to look at the task but not write anything on it until they have checked it in pairs or teams and they are ready to share it with the whole class.

Freer Practice (7-8 minutes) • Group reaction to the subject

Ss will be asked to think about: "Are you doing what you love?" Either answer yes or no, think about why. If answer is no: What do you love doing?. Ss will be sharing with the whole class.

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