Zahra Zahra

A1-A2 level


In this lesson, the learners will focus on an article and the useful words and phrases about electronic devices and they will get familiar with the steps of writing an article. The session will start by discussing the opinions of students about different kinds of electronic devices and their usages. Then students will be given a sample of a written article and will be asked to give each section a heading and afterward, they will underline useful language items in the article and say what are they used for. By the end of this session, students will be able to write an article about electronic devices.


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Main Aims

  • By the end of the session the students will have discussed different steps for writing an article.
  • To provide process writing practice of a article in the context of electronic devices

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice of electronic devices lexis in the context of technology
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of electronic devices


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

After reviewing the previous lessons, the class will start with a speaking task in which students will share their ideas about life without electronic devices. For getting students interested in the topic, I will write a question on the board (Imagine that you lived 200 years ago that there weren't any electronic devices, what was your life like without them?). Students will be asked to discuss the question with a partner for 3 minutes and after that 2 students will share their answers with the whole class. Since the aim is fluency I will not stop students for minor errors.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

I will draw a diagram on the board and ask students to tell me the names of some electronic devices. Three of them will be chosen for the chart (Cellphone, TV, and Laptop). For each electronic device, students will be asked to tell me some adjectives (at least 2) for describing them, some of their usages (at least 3), and examples about what do they use each of them for (at least 2). Then, students will be provided with useful language for describing, giving examples, and saying usage of the electronic devices. Also, they will be asked to make an example with each of the phrases so they will understand how they are used in a context and they will not face any problems when it comes to using them in writing and because the aim is accuracy we will have on the spot or peer correction. For the pre-task (prediction task) students will be given useful phrases and words to add them to a word web related to describing, giving examples, and saying usage of the electronic devices. Students will go through the web individually for some minutes. Then, they share their web with a partner and then with the whole class. This helps students to organize words according to semantic categories. When learners the prediction task, they are asked to share their results with each other. In the end, some students will share the answers with the whole class. For in-task students will be in pairs, one student will say a sentence (it should be usage, description, or an example) and his partner will say the sentence using one of the useful words or phrases. For the post-task students will be given a vocabulary log and they will be asked to write a story with the words and phrases in the log.

Useful Language #1 (6-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

students will be given a sample (an article about electronic devices) and they will be asked to read the article and write a heading for each paragraph for 2 minutes. Then, I will ask them to check their answers in pairs and at the end 2 or 3 students will share their answers with the whole class and the best headings will be chosen. Afterward, I will explain that each paragraph should have a heading in an article. Students will be asked to read the article again and underline the useful words and phrases they have just learned and write each phrase is for describing, giving examples, or saying the usage. When they have finished they will check their answers with a partner and then I will ask students to read the answers.

Productive Task(s) #1 (7-9 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students will be given an empty diagram (the same as one that we had on the board at the beginning of the lesson) and they will be asked to write the names of three electronic devices, 3 of their usages, and 2 examples about what do they use them for. Then they will talk to a partner for 4 minutes using the useful language for each part and at the end, one or two students will share their answers with the whole class. If there were any errors, I will write them down and tell them to correct the when they finished speaking (if there were any problems with the useful language, I will have on the spot error correction).

Useful Language (5-6 minutes) #2 (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Students are not familiar with most of the conjuctions so I will teach them with a task. As the pre-task (prediction) students will be given a word web to add four or five words related to specific usage of conjunctions. Each student will work individually with a web for two minutes. Then, they will share their web with a partner to help each other to have the words required in the webs. After students finish their prediction task, they are asked to share their results with other teams in order to give and receive feedback and have their word webs as complete as possible (exchange opinions). After that, one pair will be asked to give their answers and the rest of the class can provide corrections or suggestions. Since the web refers to words and their usage, students can see the relationship between the words. For the In task, each student will be given two clauses and one conjunction. The student should read the sentence for his partner and do not say the conjunction to him, his partner should choose the right conjunction and connect two clauses with it (information gap one-way). For the post-task, we will have a vocabulary log. A list of new conjunctions that learners found throughout the lesson will be given to them to write one example for each of them.

Productive Task(s) (15-18 minutes) #2 (7-9 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students will be given ten sentences and they should write they are true or false (the conjunction in the sentence is used properly or no) and if it was false, they should correct the mistake and say the reason (they have 4 minutes). They are first asked to share their answers with a partner and then with the whole class.

Productive Task(s) #3 (1-2 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Students will be asked to write the introduction of the writing for the next session. Their mistakes will be highlighted and I will ask them to correct them for the other session.

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