Sana Sana

who knows better ?
pre intermediate level


Abc HO2 (guesswork)
Abc HO3 (text)
Abc HO4 (skim&scan)

Main Aims

  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about Who knows you better ? in the context of charlotte's taste

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a Personalizing in the context of who knows you better ?


Warmer/Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

greeting : T : how are you guys ? - How was your day Sara at work ? - Ali , how did you spend your time at weekend ? - Mina did you watch any English movie during last week ? - I am pairing you . listen - Rose , Pink / Sara , blue / Ali , yellow / Mina , green - Mahan , pink / Amir , blue / Ava , yellow / Parsa , green - who are blue ? - who are pink ? -who are green ? -who are green ? - T : in your pairs discuss this Q in 2 mins . - aer 2 mins , - T : Ava who knows you better ? why ? - T : Parsa m how about you ?

Pre-Reading/Listening (12-14 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

pre teach some new words : T writes : 1. She is into cooking . what does it mean ? yes , it means she does like cooking . 2. He gets along well with most people . what does he do ? yes , he gets on or can strike a good relationship with most people . 3. They have a good sense of humor . - what do they have ? yes exactly , they are funny . guess work : T: pairs blue and pink are group1 . and pairs yellow and green are group2 . - make up a story and use all these 10 phrases and write it down . in your group in 5 mins . - sense of humor / get along well / being into / compatible / date / my friend's recommendation / my mother's taste / sociable / guy / interested ICQs: - are u going to make up a story or find a story ? - do you use all these 10 phrases or some of them ? - in pair or in group ? - how much time do u have ? - will you write it or not ? -After 5 mins - who is a volunteer to read the story from group 2 ? - who is a volunteer to read the srory from grouo 1 ?

While-Reading/Listening #1 (9-11 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

T : when you have some Qs to answer : (scanning) 1- remember, The first step in reading is reading the Qs NOT THE TEXT . 2- underline key words in Qs. 3- search only for those words . 4- when u find that word , read the whole sentence and answer the question . this is called scanning . T: when you have 1 Q about whole the text and 2 minutes . ( gist ) (skimming ) 1- read the title 2- read the heading sentences . 3- read the first sentence of each paragraph . reading important parts quickly to get the main idea is called skimming . T : skim the text and answer this Q in 1 min individually . (Gist Question ) 1. What is charlotte's request ? T : scan the text and answer these Qs : 1. Who are Alice and Katie ? 2 . what kind of men does she like ? 3. who does she think can find a better guy ? T : I put you in pairs randomly . T : check your answers with your partners . T : Mahan , how did you answer the gist Q with your partner ? T: Amir : who are Alice and Katie ? T : Rose , answer the 3rd Q . T : mina , what is the answer of the last Q ?

Post-Reading/Listening (12-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T : You have 3 mins to write 4 T/F Qs. individually . ICQs : 1. are you going to write WH Qs or T/F Qs ? 2. Individually or pairwork ? 3. how much time do you have ? After mins T : give your Qs to your partner . T ; you have 2 mins to answer these 4 T/F Qs . After 2 mins . -check your answers . - personalizing : - T : I put you randomly in pairs . T : in your pairs discuss these Qs. in 3 mins T will write on board . - who do u prefer find a partner for you ? - your friend ? your mother ? or your sister ? - what is your vital criteria for a partner ? - what is your ideal relationship like ? - T : who wants to talk about the first Q ? - T : Amir what is your opinion about the second Q ? - T : Ava how is your ideal relationship ?

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