Flávia Flávia

TP4 - Functional Language (a visit to a doctor)
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson students learn to use functional language for a visit to a doctor. The lesson starts with a snippet of a Youtube video (Mr. Bean going to the hospital) to set the context of the lesson. After that, students discuss some questions related to going to the doctor in pairs. Then, they listen to a conversation between a doctor and two patients where language is presented and they do a gist activity. They then work in pairs to work on the meaning of the sentences. Teacher conducts OCFB and clarifies form, pronunciation and appropriacy. After having the language clarified, students work in pairs in a controlled practice activity to put the sentences in a conversation in order. Finally, they role play a conversation between a doctor and a patient and teacher conducts OCFB and DEC.


Abc Clarification handout https://docs.google.com/document/d/180JsTJFoUUJoI0fmrlbFC2EMhraTBpoPFuZ6ae-MP
Abc slides of jamboard https://jamboard.google.com/d/1DtRer_k0IePh08j7-otDseYPQYxwoFWNgOmyMzgYtfI/edit?u
Abc Controlled practice https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R9KvJMEALtRbE3juB3VJJtPz_xW6fMGzn8jBwprm1xg/
Abc youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye27aIJD6qg
Abc Listening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZMWe-QJ8RE

Main Aims

  • To enable students to understand and practice functional language about a visit to a doctor.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to develop their listening skills for gist in a conversation between a doctor and her patients.
  • To enable students to develop their speaking skills in a role play about a visit to a doctor.


Lead-in (0-5 minutes) • to engage learners and activate their previous knowledge of the topic

• T shows a snippet of a Youtube video where Mr. Bean goes to the hospital to set the context of the lesson. (video up to 1:30) • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye27aIJD6qg • T shows slide 1 with some questions about going to the doctor / hospital and asks Ss to answer them in pairs. (This is also an opportunity to review the language Ss saw in my previous lesson – Present Perfect x Simple Past). • Instructions: Ask and answer these questions in pairs. You have 2 minutes. • T puts Ss in breakout rooms. • After Ss have worked in pairs T conducts OCFB and nominates some Ss to share what they’ve talked about.

Presentation through the text (0-5 minutes) • To set the context for students to understand and use functional language about a visit to a doctor

• T shows slide 2 and tells Ss they are going to listen to a doctor talking to two patients. They have to listen for the gist and answer 2 questions. • Instructions: Listen to 2 conversations between a doctor and her patients and answer these two questions. • ICQs: How many conversations do we listen to? Two. • T plays audio. • After that, T puts Ss in breakout rooms to check their answers. • Instructions: Check your answers in pairs. You have 2 minutes. • T then conducts OCFB and elicits the answers.

Clarification (0-10 minutes) • To cover MFPA of the target language

• To work on MFPA Ss work in pairs in a guided-discovery approach. • T shows slide 3, reads the instructions and does the first sentence as an example. • Script: Decide if these sentences are said by the doctor or the patient. Write D for doctor or P for patient. Look at letter a: “Where does it hurt?” Who says this: the doctor or the patient? The doctor. So, write letter D. • Then T shows slide 4 and does number one as an example. • T takes the opportunity to clarify appropriacy. • Script: What do these sentences mean? Underline the correct alternative. Look at letter a: ‘What’s the matter?’ CCQ: Is it the same as ‘What’s the problem? Or What’s up?’ What’s the problem? • CCQs: When we talk to a doctor, do we use formal or informal language? Formal. Do you think the doctor would ask ‘What’s up? No. Why not? Because ‘What’s up?’ is informal. • Who can you ask this question ‘What’s up?’ A friend. • Drill pronunciation. • T sends the google doc link for Ss to work in pairs. • Instructions: In pairs open the Google document and do activities 1 and 2. You have 5 minutes. • After Ss have done the task T provides OCFB and clarifies the form and pronunciation. Drill the sentences to focus on stress.

Controlled practice (0-8 minutes) • to provide controlled practice of the target language

• To provide controlled practice of the target language T shows a google document and tells Ss they have to work in pairs and put the conversations in the correct order • Instructions: Put the sentences in order to make conversations between a doctor and a patient. Work in pairs. You have 6 minutes. • T elicits number 1 from Ss. • T puts Ss in breakout rooms to do the activity together as a way of providing peer-scaffolding. • T provides OCFB.

Freer practice (0-7 minutes) • To allow students to use the target language in freer practice

• To practice the target language in a freer way Ss work in pairs and role play a conversation between a doctor and a patient. • Instructions: Work in pairs. Imagine that one student is a patient who has a problem and goes to the doctor and the other student is the doctor. As you talk remember to use the language we studied today. Then, swap roles. You have 5 minutes. • ICQs: Do you use formal or informal language, St A? Formal. • T models the conversation with one student. • T monitors Ss performance

Delayed correction / Feedback (0-10 minutes) • To provide learners with feedback on the completion of the task and language

• T writes some examples of language produced by Ss on the board. Ss have to say which ones are correct and which ones are wrong and correct the wrong ones. • Ss do the task in pairs in breakout rooms (5 minutes) • Instructions: Which sentences are correct? Which sentences are wrong? Correct the wrong ones. You have 5 minutes. • T conducts OCFB and DEC.

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