Seli Seli

TP5: Speaking
Upper-intermediate level


Abc Images from Irasutoya
Abc Google Docs Worksheet
Abc Speaking Extra textbook pg 20-21
Abc Google Jamboard page

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice by conducting a discussion in the context of family values.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for expressing opinions, agreeing and disagreeing in the context of family values
  • To provide gist reading practice using statements about family values.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T introduces the topic and elicits the meaning of "family values" from the SS. - T links the SS to a Jamboard document and poses the question "What is important to you and your family?" in relation to family values. - T provides an example and demonstrates how to add an idea using post-it notes on Jamboard. - T instructs the SS to add their own ideas using the post-it notes. "Add a post-it note to the board. Write your name and your ideas on it. You can write more than one note." - T gives the SS 2 minutes to write as many ideas and keywords as they can. - T nominates a few students and asks them 1-2 follow-up questions about what they wrote.

Content preparation (5-7 minutes) • To prepare learners with ideas to complete the speaking task.

- T links the SS to the Google Doc containing the worksheet. - T instructs the SS to read the four expressions (1-4) and match them with the explanations (A-D). "Read the four expressions and match them to the correct explanation. Write your answer in your notebook." 1. Children should be seen and not heard. 2. A family that plays together stays together. 3. Blood is thicker than water. 4. Children should be responsible for the welfare of their elderly parents. A. In the UK, some see the aged as being the state’s responsibility, and, in the USA and North West Europe, increasing numbers of people are less inclined to have their aged parents live with them, preferring them to go into care homes instead. B. This is a popularised American saying, meaning that families should take part in hobbies and leisure activities together. C. This old proverb refers to the fact that family members are naturally loyal to each other, but that this can be both a good and bad thing, sometimes leading people to behave unfairly or dishonestly to help or protect relatives. D. This saying from 19th century England means that children should stay where they can be carefully watched so they cannot misbehave, but should be quiet so that they do not disturb adults. - T gives the SS 2 minutes to complete this task individually. - T gets the attention of the SS and asks them to compare their answers with an assigned partner using the Zoom private chat. T gives them 1 minute to do this. "Check your answers with a partner using private chat. Type the numbers and letters only. You have 1 minute." - T elicits the answers from the SS and writes them on the slide. Answer key: 1-D, 2-B, 3-C, 4-A

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To introduce some useful language to complete the speaking task.

MEANING AND FORM - T introduces that they will be discussing these statements in the lesson. - T instructs the SS to open the online worksheet again. - T copies and pastes in Task 2 and 3 from the master copy into the student copy of the worksheet. 1. I think that we should allow parents to smack their children. 2. It might be true that children should respect their parents, but I think that respect should be earned. 3. I do not think that we should allow parents to punish their children by slapping. 4. I am against this idea because children should always obey their parents. 5. On one hand religion can teach children about respect. On the other hand children should have the right to choose their own beliefs. 6. I am for this idea because it is important for children to learn respect. - T tells the SS that these are 6 different opinions about family values. T instructs the SS in their pairs to first sort the sentences into the correct column: agree, disagree and comparing ideas. "Read these 6 opinions about family values. Write the sentences in the correct column. Does the opinion agree, disagree or does it compare ideas?" - T then instructs the SS to highlight the parts of the sentences that are not fixed. "Next, highlight the words that we can change to express our opinions." - T highlights the first sentence as a demonstration. - T checks the SS understanding by asking the following ICQs: "Are you sorting the sentences using your opinion?"- No "What are we highlighting in the sentences?" - Words we can change. - T gives the SS 5 minutes to complete the two tasks with their partner in BORs. - T gets the attention of the SS and then shows the answer key to the two tasks. Answer key: ------- COPY INTO DOC - T elicits from the SS the types of information they can put in the highlighted gap (e.g. reasons, evidence, facts). PRONUNCIATION - T elicits the stressed words from the SS. "Which words are stressed?" - T highlights the weak sounds to the SS, paying special attention to the fact "for" in statement 4 is STRESSED. - T models and drills the expressions. APPROPRIACY - T elicits from the SS where the expressions fall on the spectrum between informal and formal. "How formal are these expressions? Can you use them with your friends?" - T explains that you can use them with friends and family for serious topics but it may not be appropriate for casual discussions.

Speaking task (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice expressing their opinions accurately and fluently about family values.

- T shows the SS the 4 statements again on the slide. - T instructs the SS to discuss the first two expressions with their partner in BORs. "Discuss sentence 1 and 2 with your partner. Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? Do you have the same opinion?" - T models the structure of the activity. "For example, I think children should be seen and not heard because... My partner would answer I am against the idea because..." - T asks the ICQ to the SS "Which sentences are we discussing with our partner?" - 1 and 2. - T gives the SS 5 minutes to complete the first part of the activity with their partner. - T gets the attention of the SS. T nominates 1 or 2 students to summarise the ideas they discussed and whether their partner had the same opinion as them. "What did you and your partner say for sentence 1? Did you both have the same opinion?" - T instructs the SS to repeat the task but with sentences 3 and 4 in their new assigned pairs in the BORs. "Now we will discuss sentence 3 and 4 but with different partners." - T asks the ICQ "Which sentences are we discussing this time?" - 3 and 4. - T gives the SS another 5 minutes for the second part of the task. - T gets the attention of the SS. T nominates different students to summarise the ideas and conclusions for sentence 3-4. - During this stage, T should monitor the SS and collect examples of good language use and student errors to be used in the error correction stage.

Feedback and Error Correction (4-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' content and fluency and accuracy of their language production.

- T pastes in and then displays three to four sentences on the slide that they collected during monitoring of the speaking task. - T instructs the SS to decide in pairs which sentences are correct and which can be improved. "Which are good sentences and which sentences can be improved? How can we improve them?" - Give the SS 2 minutes to discuss it with their partner. - T elicits the improved sentences from the SS. - If time permits, T can also display some words that were pronounced incorrectly. T models and drills the words. - If there is limited time left, T can directly elicit suggestions from the SS without the pair work.

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