Michelle Michelle

Loke Wei Lin Michelle TP 8
Upper-Intermediate level


Students will learn and practice grammar (Past and Mixed-conditionals) using text-based approaches using (Speak Out 2nd Edition Upper-Intermediate pg 92 and 93 by Pearson).


Main Aims

  • Students will learn and practice grammar (Past and Mixed-conditionals) using text-based approaches using (Speak Out 2nd Edition Upper Intermediate pg 92 and 93 by Pearson).
  • To provide clarification and practice of grammar (Past and Mixed-conditionals).

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice (using Past and Mixed-conditionals) for real life situations.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher will use (Jamboard TP 8:) to provide visual aids for news headline ‘Three New York roommates find $40,000 in sofa’ The teacher will tell students “Look at the photos and read the headlines”. The teacher will nominate two students to read the parts of Lara and Reese. The teacher will hot-seat students “Imagine you are Cally, (one of the roommates), what would you have done?” Teacher predicts: Students will respond enthusiastically and provide creative suggestions using “I would/ might/should have…” (the modal +have+past participle) or “I may/can/must…” Problem: No student responds voluntarily. Solution: The teacher will nominate two students to respond. The aim of the task is to create an opportunity for students to freely respond in a natural, non-structure manner to encourage authentic speaking responses, and build rapport. The teacher also guides students to discover past perfect to talk about the hypothetical past.

Intensive Work Task (8-10 minutes) • To create opportunities for students to prepare for analysing grammar concepts (second conditional past perfect would result clause to the third conditional modal+have+past participle) which supports the completion of the task.

The teacher will use (Jamboard TP 8: https://jamboard.google.com/d/14ZbEM7d-s37T60URcs0Z_NHPKOQzmahJkoQOHJggDqc/edit?usp=sharing) and provide instruction for the Intensive Text Work task. The teacher will provide students with link to (Intensive Text Google Form TP 8: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfL1ieAblLJn7uXL_HhpGO348RHKtBkXdQ_trr_Bwxn-IolKg/viewform?usp=sf_link) to complete the Intensive Text task. The teacher intentionally does not provide passage yet to let students to think in a hypothetical scenario and hot seat themselves as Cally (one of the roommates). The teacher will put students in pairs/ groups in Zoom Breakout rooms to brainstorm ideas and discuss answers. The teacher will conduct OCFB to gather responses from students. Problem: Students may question what a hypothetical situation is Solution: The teacher created an alternative word imaginary. The teacher will also stress that this is a hypothetical/ imaginary situation. Problem: Students may identify ‘happened’, ‘taken’, ‘tried’ and notice it is in the past without the noticing the modal+have+past participle Solution: Teacher will OCFB to extend learning to show past perfect as a hypothetical and in the result clause modal+have+past participle Problem: Too much time taken during OCFB. Solution: The teacher will reduce time in the Zoom room and use OCFB for continued discussion. The aim of task is to create opportunities for students to prepare for analysing grammar concepts (second conditional past perfect would result clause to the third conditional modal+have+past participle) which supports the completion of the task. Questions: A) Look at the photo and read the sentences. Underline all the verbs. Sentence 1 has been completed for you. 1) I think if any of us had used it, it would have felt really wrong. 2) If that had happened to me, I might have taken the money. 3) If someone lost it, I would have tried to return it. B) Answer the questions about sentences 1-3 above. 1) Does each sentence refer to the past or the present? / past 2) We use the _____________________ to talk about the hypothetical past? / past perfect

Target Language (10-10 minutes) • To provide clarification of language that will support Controlled Practice and Freer Task

The teacher will use (Jamboard TP 8: https://jamboard.google.com/d/14ZbEM7d-s37T60URcs0Z_NHPKOQzmahJkoQOHJggDqc/edit?usp=sharing) to briefly outline lesson objectives and present Target Language. The teacher will go through MFP slides on relevant grammar phrases (Past and Mixed-conditionals). Students in each group 1,2,3 are the main responders to provide answers when the teacher is going through MFP. All students are encouraged to answer as well. The aim of the task is to provide input on useful language which can help learners complete the speaking task. Learners will answer Guided Discovery questions and the teacher clarifies the MFP of the language. 1)Group 1: ..would have done Example: She returned the money. I believe I would have done the same. wʊd hæv dʌn CCQ: Would it mean that you agree with the choices the other person made? Form (eg. modal, past perfect, have, infinitive, past participle) 1. The phrase ‘would have done’ is in which form? (Select answers from the above options) ________ +have +_________ 2. Construct a sentence using the words ‘…would have done..’. 2)Group 2: ..could have taken Example: We could have taken the money, and no one would know. kʊd hæv ˈteɪkən What does it mean? CCQ: Were you given an opportunity to take something? Form (eg. modal, past perfect, have, infinitive, past participle) 1. The phrase ‘could have taken’ is in which form? (Select answers from the above options) ________ + have +_________? 2. Construct a sentence using the phrase ‘..could have taken…’. 3)Group 3: ..might have behaved Example: I might have behaved differently if I knew it was a criminal offense. maɪt hæv bɪˈheɪvd CCQ: Are you reconsidering your current actions and attitudes and possibly make a change? Form (eg. modal, past perfect, have, infinitive, past participle) 1. The phrase ‘might have behaved’ is in which form? (Select answers from the above options) ________ + have +_________? 2. Construct a sentence using the phrase ‘.. might have behaved…’.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher will use (Jamboard TP 8: https://jamboard.google.com/d/14ZbEM7d-s37T60URcs0Z_NHPKOQzmahJkoQOHJggDqc/edit?usp=sharing) to conduct Controlled Practice. The teacher will provide students with link to (Controlled Practice Google Form TP 8: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtntqq-1MNG_dGOzTOYJemzepuHWIaAApK55GanKIDDbpmSw/viewform?usp=sf_link) to complete the Controlled Practice task. The teacher will put students in groups in Zoom Breakout rooms to discuss answers. A) Read the news article. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs. 1) To _________ (choose) between greed and doing the right thing is always hard./ choose choose chosen choosing 2) To _________ (return) the money was a good decision. / return return returned returning 3) WebQuest: Use the internet to conduct research on present infinitives. Explain why in question 1) To ______, and question 2) To ______ are present infinitives. The teacher will conduct OCFB to gather responses from students. Problem: Students select the incorrect form of the verb. Solution: The teacher will leave correction to DEC. Problem: Students will not be able to link research to present infinitive (modal+infinitive) Solution: During OCFB teacher will take the opportunity to explain present infinitive and guide students to make the connection. Problem: Too much time taken during OCFB. Solution: The teacher will reduce time in the Zoom room and use OCFB for continued discussion. The aim of the task is to provide students opportunity to uses grammar exercises like (gap fills, sentence completion, multiple-choice, etc) and guide students to discover present infinitive (modal +infinitive)

Freer Practice (8-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher will use (Jamboard TP 8: https://jamboard.google.com/d/14ZbEM7d-s37T60URcs0Z_NHPKOQzmahJkoQOHJggDqc/edit?usp=sharing) to conduct Freer Practice. The teacher will provide students a link to (Padlet TP8: https://padlet.com/michellelokex/bfsgz6wrujqhja57) to complete Freer Practice. Students imagine a hypothetical situation: They found $40,000. However, they cannot keep it for themselves. They must plan to give it away in any manner of their choosing. Teach will provide little guidance in the form of headings in Padlet (would have done/ could have taken/ might have behaved/ to give is ….) The teacher will put students in Zoom breakout rooms for discussion. Students type answers into Padlet. The teacher does not expect students to type too many answers into Padlet as it is more important that this is a speaking task. The function of the Padlet is just to document and capture students main ideas and for OCFB. The teacher will use Padlet to conduct OCFB. The teacher will conduct DEC depending on students’ responses based on content and language. The teacher will use (TP 8 Google slide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Hxw614JSEK-D5lieaAXK9CoAa-J8OxlL/view?usp=sharing) Problem: Students may not use the target language in a freer task. Solution: The teacher will provide a simple model for little guidance. Problem: Unknown DEC discussion. Solution: The teacher needs to be vigilant and observe breakout room discussions. The aim of the task is to provide students with opportunities to use the target language and speaking in a freer context.

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