Marcela Marcela

Lesson Lexis - Education
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, learners will review and practice the aspects of lexis with words related to education.


Abc Speakout Pre-intermediate Student's Book
Abc Jamboard
Abc Google Docs
Abc Whiteboard
Abc Google Docs
Abc Jamboard

Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of words in the context of education

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and controlled practice of words in the context of education


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T tells SS a personal anecdote related to the topic: T found difficult to present her school report to her parents. Then T shows on Joamboard a School Report from University, subjects in white and their scores of each. T asks SS to guess which subjects they think are missing in the white spaces. T conducts OCFB and writes learners’ ideas on the whiteboard.

Presentation through the text (8-10 minutes) • To show lexis in the context related to education

T shows the "School Report" with the name of subjects and scores got at the University. T asks CCQS to check understanding the new words: Subjects are verbs? No. Are they nouns? Yes. Meaning: 1) IT is the science of using computers? Yes. 2) Does maths study the past events? No. 3) Science studies the structure of natural things? Yes. 4) Books, poems are considered in the literature? Yes. 5) Painting or drawing are part of the study of science? No. T gives students a crossword puzzle on Google Docs and asks them to fill it in 2 minutes. T asks learners check the answers in pairs. T conducts OCFB and review two findings about the exercise.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T shows the "School Report" with the scores got at the University. T introduces SS to context giving some examples about subjects she was "good at and not good at" (according to report). T uses CCQs for proving the learners understood the form of the language, i.e. Did I get a good qualification in maths? No. Am I good at maths? No. Am I above average in history? Yes. Am I not good at history? No. After that, T asks SS discuss in pairs the subjects which they are/were "good at/not good at" when they are/were at school. T conducts OCFB and review the findings about the discussion.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shares students an exercise (Ex. 2A Students' Book) on Google Docs to be completed individually. T does CCQs related to the words in the box. Are the words adjectives? No. Are they prepositions? No. Are they verbs? Yes. T asks SS check their answers in pairs. T conducts OCFB to review the answers. T asks students write six sentences using the lexis given in class related to education: verbs, collocations and nouns. SS do this individually, then they work in pairs in order to discuss similar experiences. T conducts OCFB to check the sentences.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T shares on Jamboard five questions related to education and asks SS to discuss in pairs if they agree/disagree and why. T monitors speaking task. T conducts learners feedback and DEC in the use and understanding of the target language.

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